When you own or operate a commercial business, one area that can be problematic is dealing with unwanted rodents entering the building. This is a year-round issue but especially troublesome during the winter months when rats are looking for warm places to hunker down.
What are Rats Looking for in a Hiding Place?
Like other outdoor residents, their primary concern is finding a warm place to inhabit followed by access to food sources and water.
Garbage cans inside and outside of a building are prime targets for food; standing water and dripping faucets provide hydration.
If there are areas inside their targeted building where food is stored, cooked, or eaten, then any opening, crack, or crevice left unattended will allow them to access to these areas.
Where are Prime Hiding Places Located?
Do a visual inspection to find sources of access such as split screens on windows or doors, gaps around doors and windows, behind air conditioning vents, behind the walls, and in the ceiling.
Rats are masters at managing their way into what may seem like an impossible opening. Being aware of popular hiding places allows you to repair/secure these areas.
What Should You Do?
The answer is to schedule an inspection with NYC rodent exterminator specialists. Professional technicians are adept at ferreting out hiding places and eliminating unwanted rodent residents.
If you need the assistance of NYC rodent exterminator experts, contact Stern Environmental.