Raccoons – A Real Problem for New Jersey Residents

Raccoons - A Real Problem for New Jersey Residents
Raccoons – A Real Problem for New Jersey Residents

Raccoons are cute and fuzzy, and you can’t deny that they’re fun to watch. However, that fun disappears once they have invaded your home. These pests can do a lot of damage once they’re inside, and it’s even worse when you’re dealing with a whole family of them. It’s not safe for you to handle them yourself. You need the help of a professional NJ pest wildlife removal team to take care of them.

Removing Raccoons Yourself

Raccoons can become dangerous if they feel they’re being threatened. Trying to take care of them on your own is never a good idea. You may even have one in your home that has been infected with rabies. If you’re bitten, it puts you at risk. Also, home remedies for removing raccoons are usually useless. You don’t want to waste your money on something that isn’t going to work.

How NJ Pest Wildlife Removal Can Help

At Stern, we know the best ways to remove raccoons from people’s homes. We may be able to use our one-way tunnel system that allows them out, but doesn’t allow them back into your home. This is a humane method that is completely safe; both for us and for you.

Raccoons can be a real headache. If they’ve invaded your home, all you need is a phone call to the pros to remedy the situation. Contact us today to get immediate help!