Squirrels are the second most watched wildlife in North America after birds. Lively and brave, they don’t mind getting too close to humans if it means a bite to eat and a warm place to stay. But sometimes these furry marauders get too close for comfort, putting you in need of NJ squirrel removal services.
Tips for Protecting Your Attic from Squirrel Invasion
To keep urban wildlife such as gray squirrels away from your home, pay attention to their breeding habits. What do you need to know to curtail the effects of squirrel courtship complications in your home?
• Gray Squirrels Don’t Hibernate
Gray squirrels are active year-round, raising families and hoarding food for the winter.
• Gray Squirrels Have 2 Breeding Seasons
Gray squirrels mate in January, then again in the late spring or early summer. You’ll know its courtship time when they start chasing each other up and down your trees.
• Gray Squirrels Nest in High Places
Though males don’t raise young, they will build nests at the tops of trees, in birdhouses, and in the attic spaces of homes and outbuildings that look like ‘leaf balls.’ Once established, they return to these same nests year after year.
Gray squirrels may be cute, but they don’t make for great houseguests. Remove them humanely with the help of the NJ squirrel removal services of Stern Environmental today.