Snakes On a Plain

Snakes are a common fear of the populous. They slither and they slide, but what is it about them that make people so afraid? Maybe it’s that they hide in tall grasses and wait patiently for victims to meander by unsuspectingly to be eaten, and this prey could very well be a human. Snakes have been portrayed as an evil creature since biblical times, so it’s no surprise that almost everyone jumps to high ground when someone says, “Snake!”

There are a couple of ways to make sure snakes stay away from your home. You have to mow your lawn! Tall grasses are a great place for snakes to hide, and, if you have an unkempt yard, you’re basically giving them cover to hide from their predators and prey. With that said, keep your bushes and shrubs away from your house. This is another form of cover for them, as well as a very open welcome sign to all snakes that need a place to be. While you’re keeping those bushes away from your house, you might want to move the wood or compost pile. Wood piles or compost piles provide cool places to hide on hot, sunny days. And with any pest, get rid of their food source. That’s the only reason they’re hanging around, and their food source happens to be another pest–the rodent.

Some snakes are poisonous, but a lot aren’t. As well, snakes are like any other creature of the wild; if you don’t give it a reason to harm you, then it won’t. Just watch where you’re walking, and you should be fine.