The Answer to Your Flea Problem

I remember when I went away with my family one summer and returned after a month. The moment I stepped into the house I could see the floor moving. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen. It wasn’t until I looked closer that I realized that the floor wasn’t moving; it was just covered in what seem to be a million fleas. They were everywhere! And the worst thing about a million fleas are that they aren’t the friendliest insects to swarm in your home. I was so bitten up from just walking to the bathroom. It took about three fumigations to completely kill every single flea, and unlike some people, I want to have children, so I was kind of concerned with this method. Come to find out that I didn’t have to spend all that money on harmful chemicals to rid myself of my massive flea issue.

Researchers have found that one could kill up to ninty-six percent of their flea problem with the aid of thier freindly, household vaccuum. Apparently, the force of the vaccuum is so intense that the fleas lose an outer layer of their body called the cuticle ( a waxy substance that coats their tiny bodies). Thus, the fleas dry up and die eventually, and this takes care of any stage of fleas that seem to plague your home, whether it be adult, larvae, or pupae.

So, next time I go away on vacation and I return to a foreign species who think they dominated a new home, I’ll reach for my vaccuum and save a penny or two.