Got a Call from the “Rat Pack?” Call Stern Today!

If you’re a landlord and you get a call from one of Bobby Corrigan’s “Rat Pack” (see our Feb. 6 post), give Stern a call. Don’t risk being saddled with a city citation. NYC’s new rat master will only give you two weeks to evict the varmints if rats are discovered on your property.

Stern Environmental Group provides expert rat and mouse control and eradication. We use snap traps, rodenticides and mechanical traps to get rid of disease-ridden rodents. We also provide rat and mouse inspection services for restaurants, industry, multi-family units and homes.

Our revolutionary new Track & Trap mouse control installation is the perfect choice if your rodents come in small packages (a bigger rat-sized system is under development). The Track & Trap system is the smart, innovative, green way to take care of your mouse problem. A special tracking box is loaded with food to attract the furry critters. As mice scurry around the food trough, their feet become dusted with fluorescent powder, leaving tracks that can be followed back to their dens, ensuring that no mouse is missed by our eradication team. Click here for complete information on Stern’s Track & Trap mouse control system.