NYC DOS – Hot On The Trail To Issue Bedbug Fines

It was about the time that we were toddlers being told “no” by our mothers that it became apparent that we must try, if not just by a smidge, to thwart the proverbial rules that were being doled out.  Most people tend to outgrow the rule-breaking stage out of fear for the consequences that could occur.  Some people instead choose to break the rules and take their chances of not being caught.

Because of the wide-spread bed bug problem that has gripped the entire New York City area for the past several years, legislation was enacted that requires that any mattress, box spring, or sofa being placed curbside to be completely wrapped in plastic and sealed tight prior to the Department of Sanitation picking up said furniture pieces.  Even discarded bedding ensembles must be sealed in the same manner.

According to the article reported in the Gazette on February 15, 2012, New York City’s Department of Sanitation Inspectors mean business when comes to stopping the spread of bloodsucking bed bugs from place to place.

The article states that Department of Sanitation inspectors have issued 5,345 violations so far this year.  Landlords, superintendents, and homeowners who choose to not follow the new guidelines have been, and will be, smacked with a $100 fine for failing to properly seal their furniture before putting it curbside.

The Department of Sanitation Commissioner, John Doherty said “By strictly enforcing this rule, we are safeguarding our workers and helping to mitigate the spread of bed bugs.”  Absolutely!

Stern Environmental Group has mattress disposal bags that are specifically designed to seal any existing bed bugs in so that you can safely transport any mattress curbside without the worry of dropping bed bugs throughout your home.

You can find the mattress disposal bags by Protect-A-Bed at Stern Environmental Group.