Scrub-A-Dub-Dub, Put Those Bed Bugs In The Wash Tub! Part 3 Of 3

Continuing from Wednesday… The research showed that bed bugs will die on high temperature in the dryer.  Their experiment contained a 7.7 pound laundry load.  They found that the load must run for at least 30 minutes in order to kill all of the bugs.  Washing clothing on high heat for at least 30 minutes killed all stages of bed bugs and their eggs.  In contrast, washing on the warm cycle killed all adults and nymphs, but only 25% of the eggs met their demise.  The study also revealed that soaking clothing for 24 hours in cold water killed all adult and nymph bed bugs, but the eggs were unaffected by their time in the water.  Clearly, heat is a major factor in successfully killing bed bug infestations.

Preparing your house for bed bug treatment by a pest control professional is an arduous task. Laundering your bed bug infested items can be frustrating and time consuming.  In an effort to provide our customers with the best and most convenient alternatives, Stern Environmental Group offers the Mobile Bed Bug Heating Trailer.  No longer do you have to throw away expensive furniture or suffer though the frustration of laundering a houseful of clothing and bedding.  When you use the Mobile Bed Bug Heating Trailer, heat sensitive bed bugs are killed at one time using heat that reaches temperatures over 122 degrees Fahrenheit.  Our special temperature probes and computer monitoring ensures that all bed bugs and their eggs are dead, even ones that are hidden deep within the confines of furniture.

Having bed bugs invade your home is a difficult task to deal with.  Let Stern’s specially trained team safely pack up your belongings and move them into the Mobile Bed Bug Heating Trailer for fast and accurate thermal remediation.