Often times, people who are living on a limited income may turn to picking up second hand furniture as a means of furnishing their homes. Many people are finding out that this is not often a good choice as they have unwittingly introduced bed bugs into their home.
Bakersfieldnow.com reported on April 13, 2012 that a woman claims that she rented a bed and two couches from a national furniture rental store. She claims that her son began receiving strange welts in October of 2011, but she did not know what the marks were. After several months, she eventually went into her son’s room late at night and turned on the light only to find bed bugs crawling all over his mattress, pillow, body and face. She called the furniture company and had the bed removed. The son then slept on a couch and began receiving bed bug bites. A Pest control expert flipped the couches over and found bed bugs continuously crawling in and out of the underside of the sofas. Bed bug eggs were also in abundance. The couches were completely infested. A call to the rental company met with their speedy removal, but no admission of guilt for causing the bed bugs.
You may read the article here and be sure to check out the video link showing the massive amount of bed bugs popping out of the couch and their eggs surrounding them. Gross!
Bed bugs can be costly to eradicate. When dealing with rental furniture, many companies are quick to blame the renter for causing the infestation, even when the bed bugs are discovered immediately. When a renter does not discover the infestation until months down the line, it opens up the possibility that bed bugs were caused by the multi-unit housing complex and a battle usually ensues as to who is legally responsible for the bed bug eradication procedures.
For fast NJ and NYC bed bug removal services, contact Stern Environmental Group.