New Pesticide Regulations Anticipated by the EPA

Capture-11There are a multitude of pesticides available to pest control companies and those that can be purchased at various retail establishments.  In the commercial world, to the lay person, it can be difficult to determine which products actually work as they specify that they do.  Many consumers trust the manufacturers packaging and use store bought pesticides to treat all sorts of home and yard invading pests.

The problem is that not all pesticides perform as they should.  Some do not perform well as consumers are lax about following the manufacturer’s specific guidelines.  Some pesticides simply do not work despite consumers following the instructions completely.

Recent laboratory studies have proven that many different types of store bought pesticides are not effective at killing the types of pests that the manufacturer claims that they kill.  In many cases, consumers are finding that when these products are used, they often make infestations worse as the infestation is spread to other areas of the home or in multi-unit buildings, into other apartment or condo units.  The regulation of these types of pesticides falls upon the Environmental Protection Agency.

As a result of research, studies, and complaints the Environmental Protection Agency will likely be developing a new product performance data requirement for pesticides.  Manufacturers that make claims as to their efficiency against pests such as bed bugs, ticks, wood-destroying pests, mosquitoes, and other bothersome pests will be subject to the new regulations.  The goal is to have a clear definition and new regulations that will protect people, their health, and their property against insects that cause significant economic damage.

These new regulations will likely result in manufacturers having to step up their game in the pesticide arena.  It will also force those pesticide manufacturers that make claims of success, with no real data or results, to cease and desist selling their products and wasting consumer time and money.

For those who are suffering with pest control issues, it is always best to hire a licensed pest control expert to handle the issues at hand.  Pest control pros have the expertise, experience, and the correct pesticides to provide full eradication services for all types of home invaders.

If you would like to send comments regarding this issue to the Environmental Protection Agency or attend the open hearing, visit their website for more information.