As temperatures begin to fall, pests start looking for warm places to spend the winter. Your building may be an attractive option. Once inside, they will start colonies and before too long you will have a full-blown infestation.
New Jersey Fall Pests
- The Norway Rat
These omnivorous, disease-carrying rodents are common and can build colonies in a few weeks. They can enter buildings through holes that are less than an inch wide. They are nocturnal so daytime sightings indicate an extensive infestation.
- Box Elder Bugs
These fall pests do not carry disease or bite but they are a nuisance. Box elder bugs are about half an inch long and are black with orange markings. Their droppings can stain surfaces and since they feed on plant fluids, they may harm your plants.
- Crickets
Like the other pests on this list, these insects will enter your property to wait out the winter and may even breed. Crickets can get into your walls and can also cause damage to upholstery and fabric. Crickets are known carriers of certain diseases and therefore an infestation is a health threat.
DIY methods may catch some of the pests in your building; however, it is unlikely that they will affect large infestations. To keep fall pests from overwintering in your building, you will need the services of a professional. Stern Environmental has the tools and expertise to remove insects and rodents and to prevent winter infestations.