Flies Landing on Food in a Restaurant Can Cause Serious Risks to Patrons’ Health

You're Not the Only One Who Liked Your Food. Flies do too.
You’re Not the Only One Who Likes Your Food. Flies do too.

Flies are a part of life, and they are generally considered nothing more than annoying little pests. This is especially true during the summer months during picnics, bar-b-cues, or even sitting around outside having snacks. Those pesky little critters love the food as much as you do, and it’s almost a constant ordeal shooing them away as they buzz around your food.

Flies Are Nasty

What you may not know, or may not want to know, is that flies have the potential to carry a host of bacteria and diseases in and on their bodies, and virtually every NYC pest control company knows this. From feeding on fecal matter, rotten food, dead animals or other yukky stuff, flies can transfer all of these disgusting tidbits to the food you’re eating when they land on it. That means flies are nasty every which way you think about them.

What Can You Do?

In many situations, not much. If you’re serving a party with a lot of food set out on tables, flies are going to zero in on the goodies. Your best tactic is to keep the food covered as much as you can, and if possible cut off any portion that a fly has landed on.

If you have any questions about flies and what to do about them, contact the best in NYC pest control, Stern Environmental. Serving the NJ and NYC area.