What to Know about NJ’s & NYC’s Asian Cockroaches

We Help You to Recognize the Differences in Cockroach Types.
We Help You to Recognize the Differences in Cockroach Types.

Asian cockroaches are relatively new to the U.S. They were identified in 1986 by a pest control technician in Lakeland, Florida. It was first thought the insects were German cockroaches, but further research determined the pests to be Asian.

In 1981, insects found on Okinawa Island, Japan were identified as Asian cockroaches. Through imports, the bugs made their way to the U.S., and over the years have infiltrated numerous states.

About Asian Cockroaches

Although extremely mobile, easily adaptable to various habitats, and excellent fliers, Asian cockroaches remain relatively low-key during the day. If disturbed, adult cockroaches may become active and take flight.

At sundown, the cockroaches become more active. Bright lighting and light-colored surfaces are two main attractions for the bugs.

Asian cockroaches prefer outdoor habitats where shade, mulched gardens, and landscaped areas with compost provide ideal living conditions and easy access to food sources. Asian cockroaches are also found indoors, but their preference is outdoors.

On average, a female produces 148 eggs during her lifetime, which is around 104 days.

If you’re seeing these pests around your home, it’s time to call in the professionals from the Stern Environmental Group. Our services tackle the problem and eliminate the cause quickly and effectively.

To schedule an appointment for an inspection of your home and discuss the best way to deal with a cockroach infestation, contact us today so we can make your home bug free.

How to Choose the Best Pest and Mold Free NYC Apartment

Do your Research Online Before you Buy a Home. It Could Save you Pest Trouble in the Long Run.
Do your Research Online Before you Buy a Home. It Could Save you Pest Trouble in the Long Run.

Landlords are required by law to keep your apartment safe and sanitary for you to live in, and make any necessary repairs as quickly as possible. However, if you do have a negligent and irresponsible building manager, it can sometimes be difficult to get them to comply with the law and live up to their responsibilities. You have better things to do with your time than battle with a landlord. These tips from the NYC bed bug specialists can help you choose the best apartment.

Research landlords

The City Public Advocate maintains a list of New York City’s worst landlords. You can search by the management company, the landlord’s name, or by building. There is also a list of the 100 worst landlords in the city. Take the time to review the list and check the name of any potential landlord prior to committing to an apartment.

Do a basic internet search

A simple search of the address, building name, or management company can return news stories, tenant complaints, or lawsuits. It can give you an idea of the building’s history and serve as a warning if the management company habitually neglects its responsibilities.

The Bed Bug Registry

If you ask them, a landlord must disclose a building’s bed bug history. There is also a Bed Bug Registry you can review. Stern Environmental technicians are NYC bed bug specialists. Call today for a free consultation.

Rodent Expert Says Rat Populations Are Silently Growing Out of Control

Slow and Steady, and the Rat Population Grows out of Control.
Slow and Steady, and the Rat Population Grows out of Control.

Out of sight and out of mind can lead to an increasing rat problem, according to rodent expert Robert Corrigan. He has a doctorate in urban rodentology from Purdue University and says rat populations are growing largely unnoticed along the entire eastern seaboard of the United States. Corrigan said many people in cities and towns from Boston to Washington, D.C. don’t even realize they have a rat problem. Going unnoticed by humans helps rats live longer, breed more often, and grow in number.

Rats exploit human imperfections

In an interview with The Westerly Sun, Corrigan said rats congregate near riverbanks and trash dumpsters. The rats then move into neighborhoods and people don’t notice that the rodents have invaded. When restaurant employees are negligent about maintaining their dumpster area or keeping the kitchen clean, the rats move in. According to Corrigan, homeowners who don’t maintain their yard or have clutter also unwittingly invite rats into their home. The rats take advantage of these imperfections in human behavior.

What can you do?

Many businesses benefit from our innovative Smart Mouse Monitoring. This innovative and environmentally friendly solution goes beyond just putting a band-aid on the problem. You can identify rodent entry points and block them off to stop future problems. Contact us for more information. We also provide traditional mouse eradication services and mouse inspection services to restaurants, other businesses, multi-family units, and homes.

Stern Mold Offers to Beat Any Mold Removal Company’s Quote by 20%

Need Solutions for Your Mold Problem? Stern Mold Has Them!
Need Solutions for Your Mold Problem? Stern Mold Has Them!

You have probably driven by homes or other buildings where mold removal was underway; piles of wood and torn-out drywall tossed in garbage bins. If you thought it looked messy, expensive, and time-consuming, you’re right. Also, consider the costs to interruptions in business or the inconvenience of being out of your home for days or weeks. This is why so many business owners and homeowners fail to address mold issues in a timely manner.

Mold removal can be quick and affordable

We have such confidence in our proprietary MoldExterm process that it comes with up to a 5-year warranty and we will beat any written mold remediation quote/bid from a qualified mold remediation firm by 20 percent.

No mess and less downtime

For business owners, the actual mold remediation expense is only part of the cost. Downtime for your business also costs you money and if any of your customers find another business during that time, the costs continue to mount. Homeowners who must relocate for days or weeks will also have to pay for a hotel and dine out for every meal rather than prepare them in their own kitchen.

Our two-step process typically takes just one day. We kill the mold and then add a protective layer guaranteed to prevent the mold from coming back. Need mold removal in NY or NJ? Contact us today to save 20% or more.

NYC Uses “Rat Ice” as Part of $32 Million Plan to Eradicate Rats

NYC Is Attacking the Rat Population
NYC Is Attacking the Rat Population

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently vowed to reduce the number of rats in the city by 70 percent. Part of his NYC rat control effort involves a newly approved process that uses dry ice to kill rats while they’re in their burrows. The Environmental Protection Agency recently approved this method and it showed promise in tests done last year in a few areas of the city. A test treatment in Chinatown park killed 1,200 rats and reduced the number of rat burrows from 60 down to two.

The dry ice method

Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. As it melts, it releases carbon dioxide gas rather than liquid. When dry ice is packed into rat burrows, the vermin suffocate on the CO2. The New York Times reported that dry ice was used as a NYC rat control method years ago. The city stopped using it because it was not classified as a pesticide. Officials requested permission from the state to continue using the rat extermination method and worked to fast track federal approval. The E.P.A. recently registered a dry ice product marketed by Bell Laboratories as Rat Ice and approved it for use as a pesticide.

At Stern Environmental, we use the latest and most effective methods to eliminate infestations and prevent pests from coming back. Contact us today for more information on our innovative Smart Mouse Monitoring solution.