Bed bugs are prolific travelers moving into homes, schools, hotels, churches, buses, or anywhere they can get access. This can be through transportation such as luggage, backpacks, briefcases, clothing, etc. or bringing infected items into your home from yard sales.
While bed bug bites aren’t generally harmful unless someone has an allergic reaction, they are annoying because they cause red itchy welts on any part of the body they have access to. While you may think over-the-counter products will rid you of the situation, it’s best to use the services of pest control specialists who can handle the problem from top to bottom and everywhere in-between.
Finding the right NYC bed bug exterminator service is important. These tips are just a few to help point you in the right direction.
* Ask friends and family for any pest control recommendations.
* Use only licensed contractors and insured companies that promote integrated pest management as their level of service.
* Do your homework by asking companies for references.
* Request an inspection and a written report that is signed, dated, and delivered before agreeing to any treatments.
If you’re experiencing a bed bug infestation in your home or commercial property, or you’re concerned you might have a problem with the pests, contact the experts at Stern Environmental. Our experienced NYC bed bug exterminator technicians know how to remedy the problem with proven techniques and treatments.