Selling Your Home Make Sure You Know What to Say About a Bed Bug Problem

Selling Your Home, Make Sure You Know What to Say About Bed Bugs
Selling Your Home, Make Sure You Know What to Say About Bed Bugs

If you’re selling your home, you need to know what to tell people if you’ve ever had a bed bug problem. Real estate laws can be pretty vague, so the more you know, the better. With any luck, you won’t have any problem selling your house, as long as you follow a few guidelines.

Disclosing a Bed Bug Problem

You most likely will not be required to come out and say that you once had a bed bug infestation. Many buyers may not even ask you about it. However, if you are asked, it’s best to be honest. You would want to know if it were you buying a house, right?

It may turn many potential buyers off. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your house sells quickly, even with a poor history with bed bugs.

Getting the Proper Treatment

It would benefit you to be certain your house is bed bug free. You may even want to opt for real time bed bug monitoring. This is a way that you can prove that your house no longer suffers from the presence of these pests.

At Stern Environmental, we know that the struggle with bed bugs is very real for homeowners in New Jersey and in New York. We can help you sell your house by offering the pest prevention services you need. If you’d like more information, please contact us.