When thinking about things that are as American as apple pie, the last thing that comes to mind is cockroaches. Unfortunately, these ancient insects have been around for over 300 million years, which makes sense that they are one of the most common bugs around.
About Cockroaches
One thing about cockroaches that makes them stand out from the crowd is their adaptability. This has earned them the distinction of being extremely successful when it comes to changes in their environment.
Worldwide, there are over 3,000 cockroach species with over 50 percent making their home in the U.S. Some of the most prevalent seen in this country include the American, Oriental, German, and brown-banded species.
When it comes to size, the American species is the largest at 1-1/2 inches long. These winged insects are reddish brown with yellow edges at the thorax.
Behavior and Longevity
To find cockroaches lurking indoors or outdoors, there are several places to look. Cockroaches like areas that are dark and warm with an element of moisture. Prime places include floor drains, around bathtubs, inside clothes hampers, sewers, and basements.
American cockroaches are sturdy with the ability to survive without food from two to three months. They do require water monthly. Some of their menu items include leather, beer, and bookbindings.
NYC & NJ cockroach exterminators are experts at insect treatment. For an inspection by NYC & NJ cockroach exterminators, contact Stern Environmental Group.