Restaurant owners must be vigilant to keep cockroaches from invading their building. Just one sighting of a roach by a customer can have a devastating impact on the reputation of your business. German cockroaches are enemy number one for restaurant owners. They’re adaptable, reproduce quickly, and carry bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella.
The German Cockroach
German cockroaches have an average lifespan of about 20 weeks. They mature quickly and are able to reproduce just a few weeks after hatching. Females produce about seven egg capsules in their lifetime with approximately 48 eggs in each capsule. It’s estimated that one female can be matriarch to as many as 35,000 roaches in a year. Cockroaches move around at night. If you see one scurrying about in your restaurant during the day, it likely means their hiding places are overcrowded, you have a major infestation, and it’s time to call Stern for NYC commercial pest control services.
Why Cockroaches Cluster
According to ScienceNews, the gut bacteria (Blattella germanica) in young German cockroaches has a distinct smell that attracts other roaches when it is excreted. This could be why roaches cluster and perhaps gives each roach colony its own aroma.
We have been providing NYC commercial pest control services for more than 17 years and can quickly eliminate any size of cockroach infestation. We will also help you develop a plan to prevent future problems. Contact us today.