Cockroaches and Restaurants – Where There is One There Are Many!

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

Restaurant owners must be vigilant to keep cockroaches from invading their building. Just one sighting of a roach by a customer can have a devastating impact on the reputation of your business. German cockroaches are enemy number one for restaurant owners. They’re adaptable, reproduce quickly, and carry bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella.

The German Cockroach

German cockroaches have an average lifespan of about 20 weeks. They mature quickly and are able to reproduce just a few weeks after hatching. Females produce about seven egg capsules in their lifetime with approximately 48 eggs in each capsule. It’s estimated that one female can be matriarch to as many as 35,000 roaches in a year. Cockroaches move around at night. If you see one scurrying about in your restaurant during the day, it likely means their hiding places are overcrowded, you have a major infestation, and it’s time to call Stern for NYC commercial pest control services.

Why Cockroaches Cluster

According to ScienceNews, the gut bacteria (Blattella germanica) in young German cockroaches has a distinct smell that attracts other roaches when it is excreted. This could be why roaches cluster and perhaps gives each roach colony its own aroma.

We have been providing NYC commercial pest control services for more than 17 years and can quickly eliminate any size of cockroach infestation. We will also help you develop a plan to prevent future problems. Contact us today.

You Think You Have Squirrels in Your Attic, What Do You Do First?

Make Sure Squirrels Don't Bite You!
Make Sure Squirrels Don’t Bite You!

Squirrels are opportunists when it comes to finding warm, dry, and cozy locations to make their nests. Even the smallest opening isn’t a problem for creative squirrels looking for accommodations inside your home.

Access to Your Home

There are several ways squirrels can enter your home to set up housekeeping. One popular area is the attic. Another is crawl spaces, and a third is inside the soffits.

Avoiding a Squirrel Infestation

A few tips to help avoid a squirrel community inside your residence includes the following:

– Do a visual inspection of the outside of your home searching for any holes, cracks, or crevices squirrels may enter.

– Check for broken soffits. Squirrels are adept acrobats and squeezing into a soffit is easy.

– If crawl spaces aren’t secure, meaning there’s no barrier to keep critters out, be creative with covering the hole that allows access to you but not to wildlife.

– An area that is already damaged is another easy entry point as the squirrels will chew their way inside.

NJ squirrel removal is not something you want to handle on your own. While there are traps and baits available to capture and remove squirrels to another location, it’s best to let our experts at Stern Environmental Group handle the issue safely.

Contact us today for an inspection. Our NJ squirrel removal goal is fast and efficient service, a focus on customer satisfaction, and a squirrel-free environment.

Check Before You Visit or Stay – the NJ Bedbug Registry

Check Before You Even Book a Stay
Check Before You Even Book a Stay

With an increase in bed bug infestations due to the pests mobility and more people traveling in North America, it’s recommended that you do some background checking on your accommodations.

Whether your traveling on business or pleasure, keep in mind that bed bugs also travel and may be staying at your hotel or motel.

The Bedbug Registry

One way to find out about hotels, motels, inns, and resorts is to check the free reports for New Jersey at the Bed Bug Registry.

At the registry’s website, read reports from travelers, get bed bug alerts, and read tips.

About Bed Bugs

If the opportunity arises, bed bugs will infiltrate luggage, purses, totes, backpacks, and your clothes. They like warm, dark places.

Once they make themselves at home in a hotel room, they’ll be looking for a food source, which is you.

Be prepared when traveling by protecting your clean and soiled clothes with plastic bags and keep your luggage off the floor.

As a precaution, upon returning home, immediately wash all of your clothes or place everything in a hot dryer to kill any potential bed bugs that may have traveled with you.

Before going on your next trip, talk to one of our NJ bed bug specialists about bed bug products.

For help with bed bugs after returning home, call Stern Environmental Group to schedule an inspection by one of our NJ bed bug specialists.

Cockroaches Want to Hang with “Friends” Too!

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

Most people may not give much thought to the physiological mechanisms that drive the reproductive strategies of cockroaches. That is okay. Scientists at Hokkaido University are researching it to benefit all of us. By understanding more about how cockroaches breed and live, we’re able to constantly improve our NJ commercial pest control services and utilize only the most effective methods to exterminate cockroaches and prevent future infestations.

Cockroaches breed better in groups

The Hokkaido University’s research was recently published in the Zoological Letters journal. You should first know that those prolific female cockroaches can reproduce just fine for several years without a male. Scientists discovered that asexual reproduction in cockroaches is better when females are in groups. Isolated females take longer to produce eggs. Lead scientist Hiroshi Nishino said that the group dynamic promotes asexual egg production.

Cockroaches are seldom alone. If you see one, there are likely many more that you didn’t see. Cockroaches can contaminate food and any surface they walk across with bacteria like Salmonella. They regurgitate on the food they eat and will also defecate on it. They are one of the most common causes of year-round allergy and asthma attacks.

Cockroaches put the well-being of your employees and customers at risk. You don’t want your business to have a reputation as infested with bugs. Contact Stern Environmental for a free consultation and the most effective NJ commercial pest control services.

Cryonite the -110 Degree Fahrenheit Bedbug Freezing Treatment is Best

Cryonite is Very Effective in Killing All Phases of Bedbugs Including Eggs
Cryonite is Very Effective in Killing All Phases of Bedbugs Including Eggs

Many people envision bedbugs being snug and warm in their home cuddled up in the blankets just waiting for someone to slip between the sheets and become their late night buffet.

While this scenario is true, bedbugs aren’t limited to just mattresses. These bloodsucking pests are extremely mobile and will infiltrate a variety of items from luggage and backpacks to packed up boxes and your clothing.

Getting Rid of Bedbugs

While there are numerous over-the-counter bedbug sprays available, none are truly effective on exterminating bedbugs. And with limitations in the types of sprays that pest control services can use, bed bugs are on the march in building their population.

One way bedbugs can be eliminated is by freezing them. This procedure requires a specialized product know as Cryonite®. The bedbug freeze treatment takes the temperature down to very cold levels for rapid freezing.

About Cyronite®

This non-toxic method uses CO2 (carbon dioxide) that is transformed into dry ice-like snow. The snow is dispersed into the area using a machine. The bedbug freeze treatment is not poisonous and doesn’t contaminate the area. It works quickly by freezing the bugs and quickly killing them.

If you’re experiencing a bedbug infestation or concerned that bedbugs may be in your home, contact the professionals at Stern Environmental Group. Our knowledgeable and experienced service technicians will inspect your property and apply the treatment.