There’s nothing wrong with being selective when choosing one’s mate and that includes the fairer sex in some insect species such as the cockroach.
Cockroach Courtship
A study at Anglia Ruskin University by Dr. Sophie Mowles covers the intricacies of the courtship ritual of the Cuban burrowing cockroach.
One prominent feature the female looks for is high-levels of energy displayed by the male. This is accomplished by the male in a “raising of the wing” ceremony by repeatedly raising his wing to a vertical position then lowering it. He’ll do this over and over, hence, he is showing his stamina and energy level which the female cockroach finds attractive.
The female’s only interest in the mating ritual is finding the male who is in the best physical condition. While the repeated raising and lowering of the wings tires the male and drains his energy, it’s a gauge used by the female when choosing the father of her babies.
The female wants the best genes for her offspring. By doing so, she ensures her babies are physically fit, have the ability and agility to evade predators, be victorious when confronting rivals, and males are attractive to females to carry on the family line.
If you have a problem with these pests, you need an NJ cockroach exterminator. Contact us at Stern where we have cockroach exterminator specialists who will rid your property of these unwanted guests.