What Squirrels Are Found in New Jersey and New York?

Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.
Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.

Squirrels are well-known creatures throughout the United States; just look out your window and chances are you’ll see one, two, or more, frolicking in the trees or burying acorns.

There are quite a few squirrel species and some parts of the U.S. see the same types while others may see a different species.

New Jersey Squirrels

New Jersey squirrels sound like the name of a sports team, which would fit these energetic and agile creatures of the wild. In New Jersey, there are several of these species, which include the gray squirrel, red squirrel, southern flying squirrel, and northern flying squirrel.

New York Squirrels

New York residents have their own squirrel population that is similar to New Jersey. The red, gray, and flying squirrels are common as well as the fox squirrel.

Squirrel Habits

While watching squirrels can be entertaining, it’s sometimes necessary to have NJ and NY squirrel removal services visit your property. The reason is squirrels are notorious for chewing and their appetite includes pretty much anything.

They especially like attics where they can get warm, make a nest, and have their babies, which can lead to messes, noise, and the pittering pattering of little feet across the ceiling during the night.

At Stern, we’re experts at NJ and NY squirrel removal. We’re fast and provide humane squirrel trapping. When you need NJ and NY squirrel removal assistance, just give us a call.