The Eastern Gray Squirrel – What to Know About Their Breeding and Habits

What to Know About Squirrels
What to Know About Squirrels

The gray squirrel has a large home base as it enjoys the many forests in the eastern portion of North America and those located in southern Canada. They prefer old-growth hardwoods where they build their nests, which are usually constructed with a combination of twigs, bark, twigs, and leaves. They also make their nests inside tree cavities.

Breeding Habits

The breeding habits of the gray squirrel are in many ways the same as those of a red squirrel. This means you’ll see close to a dozen male squirrels engaging in what is referred to as the “mating chase.”

The mating season takes place twice a year, once in the latter part of the winter season and again during the mid-summer season. Females ages two years or older are likely to have more than one litter. Younger females usually have just one litter.

Females average 2-3 babies per litter where they remain in the nest or den for around 49 days before attempting to leave the nest, and around 70 days before they’re weaned.

Squirrel Removal

Squirrels may get in the attic where they can do damage to electrical wiring due to their propensity for chewing. A NJ pest control expert will need to be called to remove the squirrel(s) safely. This could include her babies.

If squirrels are wreaking havoc in your attic, Stern Environmental is your go-to NJ pest control specialist. Call us today.

Could You Have Bed Bugs? What to Look For in Your Furniture Inspection

Keep Bed Bugs Out of Your Home
Keep Bed Bugs Out of Your Home

Many people enjoy a relaxing evening lounging in their favorite chair or stretched out on the sofa. When it’s time for bed, snuggling up under the covers for a good night’s sleep is the plan. While all of these relaxing activities sound enticing, if bed bugs are lurking in your furniture you could be facing an itchy nightmare.

Bed Bugs: The Facts

If you’ve never encountered bed bugs, be glad. They feed on the blood of humans and animals. Although they’re not disease carriers, they can cause problems for those prone to allergic reactions to bites.

They are savvy pests that stay hidden throughout the day and emerge at night heading to areas where food sources are available: bed, sofa, chairs.

Bed Bugs: The Signs

Since bed bugs are so clever at hiding, there are certain signs you or an NJ pest control specialist will look for. These include checking around bedding, mattresses, the entire bed frame, drawers in desks, chair, and sofa cushions, and behind framed pictures.

Other areas that may be potential hiding places include behind wallpaper, cracks in laminate or wood flooring, carpet seams or edges, and any cracks or crevices around windows or doors.

To keep your home bed bug free requires more than over-the-counter products. With the help of one of our NJ pest control professionals at Stern Environmental, we will inspect, treat, and eliminate an infestation. Call us today.

What to Know about Hornets and Their Life Cycle

What to Know About Hornet Attacks
What to Know About Hornets

One outdoor pest many people have experience with is the hornet. An old saying about “stirring up a hornet’s nest” is the last thing you want to do.

About Hornets

There are around 20 species of hornets found worldwide. That’s a lot of buzzing going on around the world. They’ve made their presence known in Asia, Africa, Europe, and here at home in North America.

Head of Household

There’s no debate when it comes to the “leader of the pack.” That would be the queen. She is the domineering force and responsible for reproducing.

Other females have tasks such as providing protection for the colony, taking care of the young, construction, and food gathering.

The male has only one specific job and that is to mate with the reigning queen; then he dies.

Hornet Life Cycle

Winter usually finds young queens along with their eggs in protected areas to weather the season. During the spring, the queens begin the process of nest building, followed by directing their workers to take over the chores.

She will continue to reproduce to ensure more workers as well as breed a new generation of drones (males) and queens.

NJ pest control services are a good way to prevent hornets from setting up household in your yard and home. When hornets are making a pest of themselves, it’s best to contact the NJ pest control specialists at Stern Environmental.

Attack Pheromones Stimulate Mass Hornet Attacks – What to Know

What to Know About Hornet Attacks
What to Know About Hornet Attacks

When the weather is beautiful, it can be a real pleasure to be outdoors. Whether you’re working in the garden, mowing the lawn, or just relaxing with a cool beverage on the patio. The problem is, there may be stealth-like flying insects hovering nearby.

Hornets and Pheromones

Hornets aren’t an insect you want to make angry as they become aggressive when threatened. This can lead to a stinging fray that can leave you worse for wear. When faced with a hornet population, you need the help of a NJ pest control service.

While a single sting may not be an issue repeated stings can be, especially for those with allergic reactions. When a hornet feels in jeopardy, it isn’t just the one that will be on the defense.

Hornets are social. This means just one can incite action among the entire nest by releasing an attack pheromone. If the hornet is killed, it can still release the pheromone. If the scent of the pheromone comes into contact with your clothes or skin, this can cause an attack. When this happens, it can lead to repeated stings to you and anyone or anything else, like pets, that may be nearby.

For help with hornets and their nests, the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental have the knowledge and equipment to deal with the situation safely. Schedule an appointment and we’ll take care of the rest.

Could You Have Bed Bugs? What to Know.

Could You Have Bed Bugs?
Could You Have Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs. You can’t live with them and you definitely want to live without them. If you’re seeing evidence of bed bugs, it’s time to call in a NJ pest control service.

Bed Bugs: Everything You Need to Know

Bed bugs aren’t a new species that has just evolved. These blood-sucking insects have been around for over 3,500 years. To put it into perspective, these tiny bugs have been found in the tombs of the Egyptians.

Bed Bug Signs

The most obvious sign is the bites that appear overnight. They are itchy and usually look like a welt. Other signs include small dark stains on bed linens. The baby bed bugs, called nymphs, can be seen as well as the adults by the naked eye. Also, look around cracks and crevices, around and under mattresses, inside drawers, and in the laundry. Any dark, dry location.

Bed Bug Treatment

For bites, apply topical creams. If bites become infected, seek medical attention for antibiotics or corticosteroids for those with allergic reactions. Antihistamines also help relieve allergic symptoms.

Whether home or business, call a professional pest control company to eliminate the problem.

Our NJ pest control technicians know what to do about a bed bug infestation and have the treatments to take care of them. If you’re experiencing a bed bug infestation or concerned you might have them in your home, contact Stern Environmental for a free inspection.