Coming to the realization that your home has bed bugs is not pleasant but there are things you can do to alleviate and eliminate the problem.
Bed Bug Checklist
First thing on the list to do is not panic. You’re not the first nor the last person to face what is becoming a more frequent situation for people due to the mobility of these pests. To deal with the situation requires clear-thinking.
Next, if you have insect repellent for mosquitoes, do not cover yourself from head to toe. This is great if you have an infestation of mosquitoes but it won’t have any effect on bed bugs.
Other types of insect repellents that are FDA approved for bed bugs may not work in your situation or might be for outdoor use only. This is an area best left to a NJ pest control expert.
Your instincts may be telling you it’s time to move elsewhere but keep in mind if the problem isn’t addressed, the bed bugs in your home will move with you.
To begin the process of removing bed bugs, start with a thorough vacuuming of everything. Empty the canister frequently and secure the garbage bag so the bugs can’t escape.
Before you start tossing out your clothes and furniture, get professional help from a NJ pest control company. At Stern Environmental, we have the treatments to clear up your problem. Call today.