Whether you see one or two rats or other rodents, keep in mind there are most likely more nearby. As they breed, a situation that starts out as a few renegade rodents can turn into an infestation requiring the services of a professional NJ rodent exterminator.
Rats Rodents and Transmitted Diseases
Rodents are known disease carriers. Some cities have huge populations of rats as well as people making the chances high for humans to come in contact with a number of illnesses.
Some of the diseases are directly transmitted in a variety of ways such as rat bites, direct contact with rat droppings or urine, eating or drinking items contaminated with rat feces, breathing contaminated dust from decaying droppings and dried urine, being bitten by a tick already infected, and, although rare, from direct contact with another person already infected.
Some of the diseases that can affect humans in North America via a virus or bacteria include:
– Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrom
– Leptospirosis
– Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis
– Plague
– Rat-bite fever
– Salmonellosis
– Tularemia
For more information about these diseases as well as those affecting other countries, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Click the link for additional information about the disease and its signs and symptoms, the risk of exposure, the region where rodents are found, treatment, and prevention.
For help with rodents, contact Stern Environmental. We’ll send an expert NJ rat exterminator to efficiently eliminate the problem.