Are You Checking These Unusual Spots for Bed Bugs? You Should!

Could You Have Bed Bugs?
Are You Checking These Unusual Spots for Bed Bugs? You Should!

Bed bugs are making their presence known more and more around the world. These wily pests are travel savvy and know how to get around, which means more places are prone to an infestation.

Hide and Seek

As noted, bed bugs are known travelers whether it’s on a plane, train, city bus, subway, taxi, or school bus. They hide in many places while in travel mode such as suitcases, totes, computer cases, socks, jackets, etc. If there’s a place to snuggle down in a dark cozy place to hide, bed bugs will find it.

Some of the favorite bed bug hiding places include the following:

• Sofas and chair seams

• Curtain folds

• Furniture joints such as seams in drawers

• Holes in electrical sockets

• Libraries

• Hotel rooms

• Movie theaters

• Schools

• Day Care Centers

• Offices

• Retail stores

• Medical facilities

Help reduce the possibility of bed bugs in your home by sealing cracks and crevices, eliminating clutter, vacuuming often, and using protective mattress covers.

Professional NJ pest control services have got your back when it comes to a bed bug infestation. With the latest equipment and treatment options, bed bugs don’t stand a chance.

To schedule a free inspection with a NJ pest control specialist, contact Stern Environmental. We believe you should “get Stern” when it comes to getting bed bugs under control. Call us today.