“How long have these bed bugs been here?” If your NJ bed bug exterminator got a nickel every time he was asked this question, he’d likely be rich. And there’s more to the answer than peace-of-mind. Determining when a bed bug infestation began can help you determine fault, pursue litigation, and assign responsibility for treatment.
Can I Determine When Bed Bugs Arrived?
With long-term infestations (months to years), determining the length of infestation by observation is difficult. However, with shorter term infestations discovered within a couple of months, timing can be gauged fairly well. Examination and evidence could point to a time span that may determine the source of your infestation (e.g. hotel stay, etc.).
Puzzling Out Bed Bug Infestation Timelines
The number of adult bed bugs can be useful in determining a timeline and treatment, taking 7 weeks from egg-to-adulthood. Exuviae, the shed skin of the insects, can also be used. Assuming 72-degree room temperature and feeding opportunity, bed bugs eggs take 10 days to hatch. Newborn nymphs require 1 week for development between molts. Shedding and bug sizing point to lifespan:
– First Instar Nymph: 1.5mm long
– Second Instar Nymph: 2mm
– Third: 2.5mm
– Fourth: 3mm
– Fifth: 4.5mm
– Adult: 5.5mm
Catch bed bug infestations early! Seek out the source of infestation for faster, easier eradication, and lower priced treatment. Contact your neighborhood NJ bed bug exterminator at Stern Environmental today.