Farms and country homes often keep “mousers” around to control rodent problems, but is that the answer for NJ pest control? Surprisingly, recent studies indicate the solution may not be that simple.
Do Cats Deserve Their “Killer” Reputation?
Domestic cats have long been considered aggressive and effective predators. That view seemed to be supported by a 2017 study which found that cats played a part in the extinction of more than 60 vertebrate species around the world.
However, the fierce reputation of cats took a hit with a study published in the September 2018 issue of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. A team of researchers spent five months observing a colony of approximately 150 rats at a Brooklyn waste management facility with the original intent to study animal pheromones.
Playing the Cat-vs-Rat Game
During the final 79 days, the project evolved into a study of cat-rat interactions. Scientists were taken aback to find that cats attacked a total of only three rats, and one actually survived.
Two possible reasons were suggested for the results:
– Urban rats are notoriously large, so cats may opt for easier prey such as birds and mice.
– Rats tend to seek cover when they sense the presence of cats.
NJ Pest Control Removes All Traces of Mice and Rats
Before you stock up on kitty litter, contact Stern Environmental. Our commercial NJ pest control programs eliminate rodent problems efficiently and discreetly.