Think a home empty of humans is empty of pests? Think again. The NJ pest control experts at Stern know that prolonged vacancies can result in squatters. Insects and rodents are quick to move-in when prior residents vacate, making a pre-purchase pest inspection essential to avoiding hair-raising situations.
New & Existing Buildings are Both Affected
When new building construction is delayed, as is common, and wood framing and interior components are exposed to moisture and humidity over time, pests are attracted to and thrive in these moist conditions. In existing homes, overgrown shrubbery and standing water likewise attract pests of all kinds, from rodents and stinging insects, to mosquitoes, creating major infestations in mere weeks.
What Pests Should You Be on the Lookout For?
Common pests in vacant homes and buildings include:
– Beetles feasting on damp wood, floor boards, paneling, drywall, and interior mold.
– Silverfish munching wallpaper paste.
– Springtails and booklice feeding on damp, moldy wood and paper materials.
– Termites hidden in structural framing, flooring, carpeting, wallpaper, and construction debris.
– Carpenter ants, common in new building sites, are attracted to moist construction debris.
– Cockroaches, a particular problem in city homes.
– Massive wolf spiders in homes located in/near wooded areas.
– Rodents near farms and wooded areas.
– Fleas, ticks, and bedbugs from previous occupants.
Ensure a new home that’s a safe haven for you and your family. Schedule a pre-purchase inspection with the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmental today.