One-Way Tunnels Work Well to Keep Raccoons Out

One-Way Tunnels Work Well to Keep Raccoons Out
One-Way Tunnels Work Well to Keep Raccoons Out

Raccoons taking over your attic? Get rid of them quickly and easily with our effective one-way tunnels! The NJ raccoon removal pros at Stern Environmental have designed a one-way door that prevents these pests from re-entering your home.

One-Way Ticket

Our tunnels are a safe, humane means of NJ raccoon removal, kindly giving raccoons a one-way ticket to a new location. 

• No dangerous trapping or potential exposure to rabies/illness.

• No euthanasia.

• Faster than deterrent methods.

Safe & Rapid Raccoon Removal

Unlike using lights, talk music, used kitty litter and other deterrent methods, our one-way doors work quickly and effectively against urban wildlife. Installed by a Stern’s pest professional, these strong metal doors cannot be bent or broken by even the strongest raccoon. Installed at an entry/exit point, simply wait for evening when raccoons leave in search of food, and the one-way tunnel will bar their reentry.

Beware of DIY Imitations

Always use professionally-designed one-way doors with the assistance of a raccoon removal specialist. This is key to preventing raccoon babies from being left behind in your attic, which can lead to lasting, foul odors in living areas. Professional assistance ensures all animals are removed, your attic is cleaned of urine and feces, and  identification of dangerous damage (such as electrical).

We’ve got your one-way ticket to a dream destination: An attic without raccoons. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our one-way tunnel NJ raccoon removal services today.

What to Know to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Attic this Fall

Our One Way Tunnels Let Raccoons Out and Not Back Into Your Attic
Our One Way Tunnels Let Raccoons Out and Not Back Into Your Attic

Cooler weather is on its way, and with it urban wildlife, such as raccoons, are moving into area residences and businesses. How can you keep these smart, agile creatures away? The NJ raccoon removal experts at Stern Environmental have a few tips and tricks.

Physical Barriers to Keep Raccoons Out

Nothing short of a prison-grade fence will keep raccoons out of your yard. However, by sealing off easy entry points you can prevent them from taking over your attic. Raccoons fit in gaps as small as 4-inches, so sturdily securing openings around vents, soffits, and roofing is crucial. Heavy material such as metal flashing, sheet metal, or wire mesh should be securely attached to prevent raccoons from tearing off materials.

What to Do If Raccoons Gain Entrance

If raccoons move in, careful removal is essential. Though raccoons can cause serious damage, they also carry rabies and can become aggressive if cornered or with young. Luckily, many will move if given the chance. You can safely deter them with humane harassment tactics:

• Bright Lights

Place bright lights inside/outside their den.

• Talk Radio

Talk radio (not music) mimics human activity.

• Used Litter

This scent deterrent warns of predators.

Verify removal with a ‘newspaper test.’ Never attempt physical removal. If raccoons refuse to vacate, get professional help.

Raccoons making your attic a long-term residence? Move them out fast with the NJ raccoon removal services of Stern Environmental today.

Five Types of Rodents in New Jersey Looking for Ways to Move In with Cooler Weather

Don't Let Your Home Become Like the Movie Ratatouille!
Don’t Let Your Home Become Like the Movie Ratatouille!

As temperatures drop, more rodents make their way into homes and businesses. What furry pests do NJ rodent control professionals most frequently deal with in the fall/winter, and why should you be concerned?

House Mice

They’re grey or brown with small eyes, big ears, and a small body. These common mice carry disease, contaminating food and preparation areas with their droppings.

Deer Mice/Field Mice

Deer mice are typically brown with a white belly, large eyes and ears, and a two-toned tail. They prefer grassy areas, but will invade buildings when their habitat is disturbed. They carry deer ticks and disease.

White-Footed Mice

These light-brown mice have large eyes, distinctly white feet, and a white belly. They frequent wooded areas, but head indoors in the winter. You don’t want these disease and deer-tick-laden pests in your home or business.

Black Rats/Roof Rats/Ship Rats

Black rats have black fur and a lighter belly, with large ears, and a super-long, scaly tail. They are excellent climbers. Black rats can consume massive quantities of food, contaminating surfaces and food stores in the process. These rodents carry many diseases and are quite dangerous.

Norway Rats

The most common American rat, Norway rats are brown or grey with a white belly, small ears, and a blunt nose. They carry numerous diseases and fleas.

Reclaim your space. Give rodents the boot with the help of the NJ rodent control experts at Stern Environmental today. 

It’s Fall – Time to Remove Yellow Jacket Hives and Wasp Nests

Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests -- Get Them Removed Today!
Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests — Get Them Removed Today!

Cooler weather is on its way, so this is the time that most people expect a decline in nuisance insects. However, yellow jackets are one exception to this rule. During the fall, these pests become more aggressive and much more likely to sting, making this the ideal time for the preemptive removal of yellow jacket nests.

Why Does Your NJ exterminator Recommend Fall Yellow Jacket Nest Removal?

At Stern Environmental, we recommend yellow jacket nest removal in the fall for a number of reasons.

• More Wasps

Yellow jacket nests are larger at the end of the summer/early fall.

• More Aggression

Wasps become more aggressive as food sources decline with cooler weather, often stinging without provocation.

• More Danger

Large numbers and increased aggression make fall a dangerous time for stings, particularly for allergic individuals, as yellow jackets can sting multiple times.

Nest in the Wall? Immediate Removal Prevents Wasps from Infiltrating Your Home

Nests in wall voids are difficult to remove. However, it’s highly recommended to remove these before it’s too late. Otherwise, large numbers of yellow jacket wasps could find their way into your home, delivering a nasty surprise.

Yellow jacket removal is not a DIY endeavor. Control yellow jackets safely with the help of your local NJ exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our professional wasp removal services today. 

How to Differentiate Between a Ladybug and Lady Beetle

Learn to Recognize the Difference between Harmful and Harmless
Learn to Recognize the Difference between Harmful and Harmless

Ladybugs may seem too benign to require NJ pest control, but the closely related Asian lady beetle isn’t quite as good-natured. How can you tell them apart? Here’s a look at the physical and behavioral differences between the two.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

At first glance, a native ladybug looks just like an Asian lady beetle, with similar colors and markings. A closer look reveals a black section between a ladybug’s head and body. On an Asian lady beetle, that same section is white with black markings that form a “M” shape.

When Ladybugs Aren’t “Ladies”

Native ladybugs serve a valuable purpose by preying on aphids, spider mites and other plant-destroying pests. While Asian lady beetles were introduced to North America for the same reason, they began to demonstrate less desirable traits.

• When weather grows cold, Asian lady beetles invade homes via cracks, holes and other unobtrusive entry points.

• While native ladybugs are peaceful, Asian lady beetles will aggressively bite, often causing allergic symptoms such as sneezing and coughing.

• Asian lady beetles excrete an odorous yellow liquid that stains fabric, walls and other surfaces.

• In rare cases, Asian lady beetles have sought shelter inside the mouths of dogs, leading to discomfort and sometimes sores caused by the beetles’ secretions.

Experienced and Knowledgeable NJ Pest Control Services

Don’t take chances with insect or wildlife invaders. Contact Stern Environmental for safe and professional NJ pest control.