New Jersey Restaurant Owners Should Watch for These Cockroaches

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

In the classic comedy Victor Victoria, Julie Andrews plays a scene with a cockroach in a restaurant for laughs. When it comes to the real world, there’s nothing funny about that scenario. Call our NJ restaurant pest control experts when you find any of these unwelcome guests in your business.

Cockroach Species Commonly Found in New Jersey

• Despite their name, German cockroaches have permeated every corner of the world. They tend to gravitate to restaurants and food-processing facilities. Light brown or tan in color, German cockroaches have wings but prefer running to flying.

• Oriental cockroaches are also known as black beetles due to their dark, glossy color. These pests are sometimes called waterbugs because they’re often found in dark, damp places such as sewers and drains, where they feed on decaying organic materials.

• American cockroaches are the largest of the more common species, both in population and size. The reddish-brown color and distinctive yellow “figure eight” marking on the American cockroach’s head makes them easy to identify.

• As the name implies, brown-banded cockroaches have bands across the wings and abdomen. Brown-banded cockroaches need warmth rather than moisture, but also seek out areas with access to food and multiple hiding places.

Turn to Stern Environmental Group for NJ Restaurant Pest Control

Don’t let cockroaches eat away at your business. Our commercial pest control services are tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us for more information.