Category Archives: Ants

Do Your Due Diligence – Do a Pest Inspection Before Moving In

Before You Move In Do a Thorough Inspections for Pests.
Before You Move In Do a Thorough Inspections for Pests.

Think a home empty of humans is empty of pests? Think again. The NJ pest control experts at Stern know that prolonged vacancies can result in squatters. Insects and rodents are quick to move-in when prior residents vacate, making a pre-purchase pest inspection essential to avoiding hair-raising situations.

New & Existing Buildings are Both Affected

When new building construction is delayed, as is common, and wood framing and interior components are exposed to moisture and humidity over time, pests are attracted to and thrive in these moist conditions. In existing homes, overgrown shrubbery and standing water likewise attract pests of all kinds, from rodents and stinging insects, to mosquitoes, creating major infestations in mere weeks.

What Pests Should You Be on the Lookout For?

Common pests in vacant homes and buildings include:

– Beetles feasting on damp wood, floor boards, paneling, drywall, and interior mold.

– Silverfish munching wallpaper paste.

– Springtails and booklice feeding on damp, moldy wood and paper materials.

– Termites hidden in structural framing, flooring, carpeting, wallpaper, and construction debris.

– Carpenter ants, common in new building sites, are attracted to moist construction debris.

– Cockroaches, a particular problem in city homes.

– Massive wolf spiders in homes located in/near wooded areas.

– Rodents near farms and wooded areas.

– Fleas, ticks, and bedbugs from previous occupants.

Ensure a new home that’s a safe haven for you and your family. Schedule a pre-purchase inspection with the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmental today.

Signs Your Buildings May Have a Carpenter Ant Infestation

Carpenter Ants Cause Damage to Your Building Structure
Carpenter Ants Cause Damage to Your Building Structure

Massive ants marching through your home or outbuilding? You could have a carpenter ant infestation. And just because they disappear for a few weeks doesn’t mean they’re gone for good. It’s not uncommon for residents to let their need for rapid NJ pest control intervention go, believing they don’t have an insect infestation when carpenter ants are actually nesting within the structure.

• How to Tell if You Have a Carpenter Ant Infestation

Ants. Obviously. Carpenters ants are often large and black, but can range in size from 1/8-1/2-inch long and come in colors of red, brown, black, or shades in-between. To distinguish carpenter ants from other ant varieties, look for the following signs:

• Noise in the walls

Rusting noises in wall voids like cellophane/shopping bags crinkling indicates carpenter ant activity. 

• Piles of sawdust

You’ll find sawdust piles near where ants live as they excavate your structure to build nests, dumping this ‘waste’ into piles.

• Wet wood

Water damage attracts carpenter ants, who prefer to excavate wet wood infiltrated by mold.

• Location

Carpenter ants are frequently found around window sills and frames, doors/door frames, near plumbing fixtures, in attics/crawlspaces, and beneath patios/decks.

• Repeat visitation in the spring

If ants emerge consistently every spring you likely have a nest.

Give carpenter ants their marching orders before they begin excavating your home’s structure. Contact the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental today.

Keep Ants Out of Your Office this Summer

Is That an Ant Between Your Computer Keys? Here's How to Keep Ants Out of Your Office.
Is That an Ant Between Your Computer Keys? Here’s How to Keep Ants Out of Your Office.

Ants are common nuisance insects and NJ pest control experts know warmer spring weather means ants are likely to venture out into homes and offices. Luckily, however, with a few proactive steps you can prevent these pests from crawling across your floors and counters.

How to Prevent Unwelcome Insect Guests

Ants searching for food and water often infiltrate occupied spaces, and office kitchens are one of their favorites. They may also be found in bathroom spaces, basements, and near HVAC systems. You can keep ants away by limiting the attractiveness of these sites:

– Keep spills and crumbs contained.

– Store food in tightly-sealed containers.

– Regularly dispose of garbage.

– Seal cracks/holes on the building and around windows/doors.

– Ensure weather stripping is tightly fitted.

– Trim branches/shrubbery well away from the building structure.

– Call for professional help promptly if ants infiltrate the premises.

Know Trouble When You See It

Though most ants are simply bothersome, particularly Argentine ants, a few species of ants can pose a threat to the health of office workers, office property, and building structures, requiring prompt attention. These include:

– Odorous house ants, which can contaminate food sources with the germs and chemicals they emit.

– Fire ants, which inflict a painful sting. 

– Carpenter ants, which tunnel through wood, forming nests that damage building structures.

Ants taking over your office? Give them their marching orders with the help of the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmentaltoday.

Brace Yourself – Warm Wet Winters Cause High Levels of Spring Insect Pests

Warm Wet Winters Cause a Proliferation of Spring Insects
Warm Wet Winters Cause a Proliferation of Spring Insects

Everyone always gets excited when a warm spell hits during the cold winter months. It’s good to have a few nice days when you can open the doors and windows and let the fresh air come in. The problem is that with those really warm days, there is often a price to pay later on. Your NJ pest control specialists expect this spring to be prime for pests.

But what does that mean for you? Will your pest problems be out of control this year because of the nice weather you’re enjoying right now?

What Pest Populations Will Spike?

There are several types of pests that tend to see an increase in their populations when winter is warmer and wetter than usual. Among them are:

– Mice

– Mosquitoes


– Termites

– Stink bugs

This is never good news for a New Jersey homeowner, but unfortunately, it is quite typical for this part of the country.

Your NJ Pest Control Specialist is Here to Help

At Stern Environmental, we understand the stress you feel when you find out you have a pest control problem. While we can’t do anything to change the weather conditions, there is a lot we can do to help you prepare for the upcoming spring. Along with giving you pest prevention tips, we can also assist you if you do encounter a pest control problem this year.

Contact us today so we can help!

Ant Trivia – There’s More to Know About This Tiny Insect

Ants Survived Millions of Years, Leave Getting Rid of Them to Professionals
Ants Survived Millions of Years, Leave Getting Rid of Them to Professionals.

Having lived on this planet for over 100 million years, ants have a long history of being survivors. These tiny insects walked alongside dinosaurs, which is a survival feat of its own.

Tiny Trivia Tidbits

If you’ve ever taken a moment to observe an ant colony, it is impressive. These small but powerful insects waste no time or energy in completing whatever task they’ve been assigned. They work, build, farm, take care of their young, take out the garbage from nests, guard the queen, and guard their nests without complaining, quitting, or going on strike.

Ants come in a variety of colors including brown, black, orange, yellow, purple, green, and blue, which allows them to blend in with their surroundings. They range in size, with the carpenter ant being the largest as it can grow to one-inch in length.

There are more than 10,000 known ant species in the world. They are related to bees and wasps and they have the largest brain in the insect kingdom. Their lifespan averages 45-60 days.

While most ants just go about their business setting up housekeeping in trees, in mounds, or underground, carpenter ants reside in wood and are known to be destructive to buildings, which is why an ant exterminator is necessary.

If you’re dealing with an ant intrusion, contact Stern Environmental and be ant-free by scheduling a professional ant exterminator to inspect and treat your home.