Photos, t-shirts and suntans are great, but bed bugs are one souvenir you don’t want to bring home from spring break. Our NJ pest control experts fill you in on the telltale signs of bed bugs and how to avoid them.
Physical Features and Behavior
Bed bugs are small brown insects approximately the size of an apple seed. They feed on human and animal blood, so they take on a swollen, reddish appearance after feeding.
While bed bugs don’t generally carry diseases, their bites can become itchy and irritated. Bites are usually found around the ankles or other areas where skin is exposed during the night. Other common signs of bed bugs are blood or rust-colored stains on linens, pillows, pajamas and mattresses.
Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs
• Immediately examine the bed, including sheets, blankets, pillowcases, mattress and box springs. Pay close attention to seams and crevices.
• Bed bugs love to latch onto clothing, so check the closet and dresser drawers.
• Keep luggage on a stand or shelf instead of on the floor.
• If you suspect the presence of bed bugs, notify the front desk at once and request a different room.
Bed Bugs Are No Match for NJ Pest Control from Stern Environmental
Removing bed bugs on your own is difficult and frustrating. Contact us for effective and eco-friendly extermination of bed bugs and other pests.