Category Archives: Cockroaches

What NYC Residents Should Know About Roaches

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

According to the popular saying, cockroaches would be the only living creatures to survive a nuclear explosion. While our NJ pest control technicians don’t resort to such drastic methods, cockroaches remain a common problem for NYC residents. Here’s a look at some basic information on these stubborn pests.

Main Types of Cockroaches

• American cockroaches are large, approximately 1-1/2 inches long, and reddish-brown in color. This species features full-grown wings that are functional. Since American cockroaches frequent sewer and water lines, they’re sometimes referred to as water bugs.

• German cockroaches are much smaller, only about 1/2 inch in length, with tan or brown coloring. Like American cockroaches, German cockroaches have wings, but they’re incapable of flight.

Household Threats

Cockroaches prefer warm, hidden areas where they have easy access to food and water. They’re also nocturnal, so if you spot one during the day, it’s usually a sign of a large infestation. When their population grows, some cockroaches are forced to venture out in search of new homes.

Diseases are the most significant of cockroach-related dangers. Cockroaches are known carriers of salmonella, dysentery, cholera and other serious illnesses, which can be transmitted when the pests contaminate food sources.

NJ Pest Control Solutions to Cockroach Infestations

We have more than 17 years of experience successfully eliminating cockroaches and other indoor pests. Contact Stern Environmental to schedule an appointment with our friendly and professional technicians.

What Kind of Roaches Live In NYC? What To Know

What Kind of Roaches Live In NYC? What To Know
What Kind of Roaches Live In NYC? What To Know

Like most insects, cockroaches come in a variety of different species. Our NJ pest control experts share important information about roaches commonly found in NYC.

Physical Characteristics

American, German and Oriental cockroaches are generally dark-colored, brownish or black, with antennae and six legs. While some types are relatively small, cockroaches can grow to more than two inches long, making them easy to spot.


Cockroaches come indoors in search of food and water. They’re able to make their way inside cracks, under doors and through any small openings. Sometimes, roaches are transported into homes and buildings via food products and other boxes or packages.

Dark, damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces are preferred living spaces for cockroaches. As they look for food and water, roaches may be found in kitchen drawers and cabinets, or behind appliances.

Health Risk

Based on their habit of frequenting dumpsters, sewers and other garbage sites, roaches are well-known transmitters of disease. In addition to contaminating food and cookware with more than 33 types of bacteria, cockroaches can trigger allergic reactions as they shed their skins. Children are particularly susceptible to these dangers.

Protect Your Health with NJ Pest Control 

Cockroaches are only one of the pests affecting NJ homes and businesses. Our trained technicians have experience in removing insects and wildlife safely and effectively. Contact Stern Mold to learn more about our integrated pest management services.

Roaches and Mice, Oh My! More Restaurants in NYC Have Been Hit With Violations This Year.

Roaches and Mice, Oh My! More Restaurants in NYC Have Been Hit With Violations This Year.
Roaches and Mice, Oh My! More Restaurants in NYC Have Been Hit With Violations This Year.

The number of pest-related health violations in NYC restaurants has reached an alarming high. Nearly twice as many restaurants were shut down by city health officials due to unsanitary conditions in 2018 as compared to 2017. Eateries in the city were hit with 12,992 rodent and roach-related violations, a rise of 57%. The NJ pest control crew at Stern has the latest on this unappetizing story.

Who’s Coming to Dinner? 

A total of 10,280 violations were linked to mice and 2,712 were linked to roaches.

Where are the Worst Violations?

Though all boroughs have seen a spike in pest-related citations, the highest incidence appears to be in Queens. Here, violations jumped 70% to 3,138 in 2018 – up from 1,841 in 2017.

Why the Rise?

Some wonder if the pest control crisis in our busy city is getting worse. Others ponder if the jump in pest-related citations is the result of more diligent inspections rather than an increase in mice and roaches in the area. To date, no cause has been identified.

Hope on the Horizon

Despite the rise in restaurant horror stories, 90% of the eateries in all five boroughs still receive A-ratings from the NYC Health Department, giving diners many safe options to grab a bite in the Big Apple.

Uninvited guests? Give rodents and roaches the boot with help from the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental today.

Cryonite Treatment for Cockroaches

Cryonite Treatment for Cockroaches
Cryonite Treatment for Cockroaches

When it comes to NJ pest control for cockroaches, the use of chemical sprays raises some concerns for property owners, such as the risk of health issues. Fortunately, there’s another option for eliminating these pests. Cryonite provides a way for pest control professionals to freeze cockroaches to death.

How Cryonite Works

Cryonite involves the use of carbon dioxide in a “snow” form. Liquid carbon dioxide is stored in a tank and transformed into a frozen “mist” that reaches temperatures of roughly 108 degrees below zero. When these frozen particles make contact with insects, they kill these bugs quickly.

Even though cockroaches are able to survive in colder temperatures, they can’t handle the sudden and severe drop in temperature when Cryonite particles hit them.

Benefits of Cryonite

Cryonite provides a safe and effective way to kill cockroaches. After being sprayed, Cryonite turns into a gas form and evaporates, which doesn’t leave any residue behind. This type of pest control can be used on a wide range of surfaces where cockroaches are lurking, including furniture, pipes and outlets.

With the use of Cryonite, cockroach eggs are also destroyed, which helps protect homes and businesses from ongoing or additional cockroach infestations.

If you need NJ pest control for cockroaches or other bugs, please contact Stern Environmental Group. Our technicians use Cryonite to eliminate insect pests in your NJ home or business.

New Jersey Restaurant Owners Should Watch for These Cockroaches

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

In the classic comedy Victor Victoria, Julie Andrews plays a scene with a cockroach in a restaurant for laughs. When it comes to the real world, there’s nothing funny about that scenario. Call our NJ restaurant pest control experts when you find any of these unwelcome guests in your business.

Cockroach Species Commonly Found in New Jersey

• Despite their name, German cockroaches have permeated every corner of the world. They tend to gravitate to restaurants and food-processing facilities. Light brown or tan in color, German cockroaches have wings but prefer running to flying.

• Oriental cockroaches are also known as black beetles due to their dark, glossy color. These pests are sometimes called waterbugs because they’re often found in dark, damp places such as sewers and drains, where they feed on decaying organic materials.

• American cockroaches are the largest of the more common species, both in population and size. The reddish-brown color and distinctive yellow “figure eight” marking on the American cockroach’s head makes them easy to identify.

• As the name implies, brown-banded cockroaches have bands across the wings and abdomen. Brown-banded cockroaches need warmth rather than moisture, but also seek out areas with access to food and multiple hiding places.

Turn to Stern Environmental Group for NJ Restaurant Pest Control

Don’t let cockroaches eat away at your business. Our commercial pest control services are tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us for more information.