Category Archives: Commercial Services

Asian Lady Beetles Proliferate in the Fall

Asian Lady Beetles

Colorful and harmless ladybugs serve a purpose in the food chain and many cultures consider them signs of good luck. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for their cousins, Asian lady beetles. Our NJ pest control technicians explain why you should be on the lookout for this fall invader.

Difference Between Lady Asian Beetles and Ladybugs

Ladybugs are more accurately known as lady beetles, and their colors and markings are similar to their Asian counterparts. The latter can be distinguished by a white spot behind the head along with a M-shaped black mark.

Why Asian Lady Beetles Are Not Welcome Visitors

As temperatures cool down in fall months, Asian lady beetles join other insects seeking shelter inside warm homes. Once inside, they’re not gracious house guests.

• Unlike the less aggressive native species, Asian lady beetles will bite. While not painful, their bite can result in allergic reactions such as hives, coughing and conjunctivitis, better known as pink eye.

• All lady beetles secrete a yellowish, foul-smelling fluid that can stain walls, furniture and carpeting.

• In rare instances, Asian lady beetles have been eaten by dogs who then developed ulcers in the mouth and esophagus.

Rely on Stern Environmental for Year-Round NJ Pest Control

Our NJ pest control technicians can safely and effectively handle unwanted insect and wildlife visitors from bed bugs and mice to raccoons and squirrels. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more.

EPA Recommended Integrated Pest Management Tactics for Bee and Wasp Abatement

EPA Recommended Integrated Pest Management Tactics for Bee and Wasp Abatement
EPA Recommended Integrated Pest Management Tactics for Bee and Wasp Abatement

With summer heat comes the inevitable arrival of buzzy pests. Bees and wasps, feared for their stings but relied upon for their pollinating capabilities, take over yards nationwide. How can you reduce the number of these pests in your yard to tolerable levels? With these bee and wasp abatement strategies from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Integrated Pest Management Tactics for Controlling Bees & Wasps

• Put food away immediately after mealtime. 

• Clean up spills of sticky, syrupy liquids and foods immediately.

• Keep trash cans and dumpsters tightly sealed, emptying them frequently.

• Eliminate standing water, which draws pests of all kinds, fixing leaky faucets and areas with poor drainage so that they remain dry.

• Plug holes in your building structure that could allow pests entry.

• Ensure the structural integrity of vents, and window screens. Preventing bees and wasps from entering your building is the best defense.

Other Tips for Reducing the Population of Bees & Wasps on Your Premises

• Consider composting indoors, as these pests can be drawn to open compost piles.

• Clean up rotten fruit and vegetables in the garden to avoid attracting pests.

• Don’t swat wasps. They release chemicals when squashed that can incite nearby wasps to attack. Learn what to do in the vicinity of wasps.

Integrated pest management strategies for bee and wasp abatement falling short? Alleviate the sting of infestations with the help of Stern Environmental today.

Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?

Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?
Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?

As more home and business owners seek to minimize exposure to chemical pesticides, commercial pest control providers are increasingly turning to integrated pest management solutions. How well does this approach work for pest control?

The Inner Workings of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Environmentally friendly and safe for humans and pets, integrated pest management solutions reduce chemical exposure and subsequent health and environmental risks. IPM seeks to prevent and control pests through a three phase approach:  

1. Monitor and identify pests in the environment.

2. Preventing or excluding pests from entering the environment.

3. Control pests, balancing the risks and efficacy of treatment.

What Solutions Might Be Involved with IPM?

At the onset of infestation, lower-risk pest control measures are preferred such as natural chemicals and pheromones. If this approach is effective, treatment is concluded. If this more natural approach proves ineffective, chemical baits or pesticides are then integrated, beginning with the safest and most effective options.

Integrated Pest Management is Beneficial in Large & Small Scale Applications

Whether you are looking for a more natural pest control alternative for your home or commercial property, IPM is effective and endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Looking for an alternative to chemical and pesticide-laden commercial pest control options? Learn more about safe and effective integrated pest management services from Stern Environmental today.

Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Restaurant with Our Tips

We Have Some Tips for You On How to Prevent Cockroaches in Your Restaurant!
We Have Some Tips for You On How to Prevent Cockroaches in Your Restaurant!

As a restaurant owner, one bad review can result in serious problems for your business. If you have a cockroach problem, that might be enough to send people to Facebook, Yelp or Google to tell others. But don’t worry because your NJ cockroach treatment specialist is here to help with these tips.

Tip #1: Inspect Your Restaurant Regularly

There are various places where cockroaches might be found in your business. You’ll want to inspect any possible hiding places for them, or signs of them. You might only see egg casings or droppings because they do tend to stay out of sight. You’ll want to check the following areas:

• Sink drains

• Garbage cans and the areas around them

• Kitchen equipment

• Electrical outlets

• Any cracks or crevices

Tip #2: Clean Regularly

Keeping a dirty kitchen – even for a day – is enough to make cockroaches come calling. Make sure your kitchen is clean and that your staff is diligent about keeping it that way.

Tip #3: Seal Up Potential Entry Points

It’s a good idea to use weather stripping or caulk to seal up areas where cockroaches might get into your restaurant. Also, inspect these spots regularly to make sure they’re still sealed up tight.

If you’re in need of an NJ cockroach treatment specialist, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We promise to do our part to make sure that all of your reviews are stellar. Contact us!

Why is Cryonite So Deadly to Bed Bugs and Other Pests?

Why is Cryonite So Deadly to Bed Bugs and Other Pests?
Why is Cryonite So Deadly to Bed Bugs and Other Pests?

As insecticide-resistant pests become increasingly more common, NJ pest control experts remain on the lookout for new pest control treatment systems. Safe and nontoxic, Cryonite is among the most effective on the market.

How Does Cryonite Work?

Used extensively in Europe and Australia, Cryonite eliminates hard to kill pests such as bed bugs and German cockroaches in all life stages, including eggs, by freezing them to death on contact. Applied with a Cryonite machine, a spray of liquid CO2 (carbon dioxide) creates cold, dry ice, crystalizing pests and stopping them in their tracks.

Say Goodbye to Messy Chemical Sprays

Nontoxic and nonpoisonous, Cryonite leaves behind no wet or sticky residues. At normal temperatures, it simply evaporates. Recycled from industrial processes, it’s a green treatment solution.

Pesticide Resistant Pests Don’t Stand a Chance

Cryonite is an effective treatment for even the most challenging insect infestations, penetrating deep within cracks, crevices, and furnishings where insects hide. Because Cryonite is chemical-free, there’s no risk of pests developing a resistance to pest control measures.

Sensitive Individuals and Workspaces Are Safe from Chemicals

Even for the most sensitive individuals and environments, CO2 presents no risk of contamination or adverse health effects.

NJ pest control needs getting tough to meet? Stern Environmental has you covered, offering some of the most innovative new pest control treatments on the market. Solve your toughest pest control problems. Contact us today.