The eastern gray squirrel is a common sight in NJ when you’re outdoors. However, these animals could end up inside your attic or other indoor areas to escape the cold, which means it’s time for NJ pest animal control. While you might be familiar with squirrels, here are some facts that you might not know.
Invasive Squirrels
Eastern gray squirrels are considered an invasive species in the US. In fact, they’ve displaced the native red squirrel in some parts of the region. They’re native to the eastern US and the midwestern US, although they’ve spread to the western regions.
Color Variations
Most gray squirrels are gray, although they can be brown. In urban areas, some of these squirrels end up with white or black fur coloring due to the low risk of predators.
Spatial Memory
Eastern gray squirrels hoard food in numerous locations. They have excellent spatial memory that helps them remember where all of their food caches are.
Squirrels usually feed on seeds, berries, nuts and similar items. However, they’re also known to prey on frogs, birds and other animals. They also gnaw on antlers and bones for minerals.
Eastern gray squirrels use tail movements, facial expressions and vocalizations to communicate. They even make a purring noise when interacting with their young.
If you have a squirrel problem, contact Stern Environmental for NJ pest animal control.