Tag Archives: Bed Bug Contol

Selling Your Home or Condo? Know the Fine Print Disclosures on Bed Bugs

Selling Your Home, Make Sure You Know What to Say About Bed Bugs
Selling Your Home or Condo? Know the Fine Print Disclosures on Bed Bugs

An urban epidemic – as bed bug problems continue to proliferate, these pests have made their way into co-op and condominium contracts. A recent new New York State law requires landlords to disclose past bed bug infestations prior to rental. However, there has been confusion in the real estate sales industry over disclosure requirements, and the NJ bed bug control experts at Stern want you to be aware of the new legal requirements.

NY State’s Division of Housing and Community Renewal Requires Sales Disclosure

The division’s form includes a checklist, clearly stating whether bed bugs have been detected on home/condo premises, and whether eradication measures have been taken. There is currently no penalty for non-compliance, though buyers who aren’t given a disclosure can file a complaint. Nancy Peters, a spokeswoman for the division, clarified that renters and buyers of apartments, homes, condos, and co-ops must follow this law in real estate transactions.

Bed Bug Disclosures Already a Part of Many Negotiations

Home buyers are more commonly requiring bed bug disclosures as part of negotiations, with ‘bed bug riders’ added to contracts requiring the signature of sellers. Stipulating, “The seller has no knowledge of the existence or presence of bed bugs in the unit either currently or in the past,” which makes sellers legally responsible for omissions.

NJ bed bug control measures falling short? Eradicate bed bugs for good with the help of Stern Environmental today.

EEK! How Long Have I Had Bed Bugs?

EEK! How Long Have I Had Bed Bugs?
EEK! How Long Have I Had Bed Bugs?

“How long have these bed bugs been here?” If your NJ bed bug exterminator got a nickel every time he was asked this question, he’d likely be rich. And there’s more to the answer than peace-of-mind. Determining when a bed bug infestation began can help you determine fault, pursue litigation, and assign responsibility for treatment.

Can I Determine When Bed Bugs Arrived?

With long-term infestations (months to years), determining the length of infestation by observation is difficult. However, with shorter term infestations discovered within a couple of months, timing can be gauged fairly well. Examination and evidence could point to a time span that may determine the source of your infestation (e.g. hotel stay, etc.).

Puzzling Out Bed Bug Infestation Timelines

The number of adult bed bugs can be useful in determining a timeline and treatment, taking 7 weeks from egg-to-adulthood. Exuviae, the shed skin of the insects, can also be used. Assuming 72-degree room temperature and feeding opportunity, bed bugs eggs take 10 days to hatch. Newborn nymphs require 1 week for development between molts. Shedding and bug sizing point to lifespan:

– First Instar Nymph: 1.5mm long

– Second Instar Nymph: 2mm

– Third: 2.5mm

– Fourth: 3mm

– Fifth: 4.5mm

– Adult: 5.5mm

Catch bed bug infestations early! Seek out the source of infestation for faster, easier eradication, and lower priced treatment. Contact your neighborhood NJ bed bug exterminator at Stern Environmental today.

What is Cryonite, and What Makes it So Effective in Bed Bug Extermination?

What is Cryonite, and What Makes it So Effective in Bed Bug Extermination?
What is Cryonite, and What Makes it So Effective in Bed Bug Extermination?

Bed bugs are causing trouble for those who try to use chemical products to get rid of them. These bugs have built up a resistance to some of these products, but our NJ pest control company has a better solution. Learn more about the Cryonite treatment our technicians use in order to deal with bed bug infestations.

Cryonite Freezing

Cryonite is a highly effective way to eliminate bed bugs. This freezing method involves the use of liquid carbon dioxide, which freezes bed bugs and destroys them. Cryonite is designed to work as quickly as possible, so that bed bugs freeze to death shortly after being exposed to it. This freezing method is a successful way to get rid of bed bug infestations, since it is able to destroy these pests during all life stages.

Benefits of Cryonite Treatment

Cryonite offers homeowners and business owners a non-toxic way to treat a bed bug problem. It also provides an alternative solution when bed bugs have become resistant to insecticides. Since Cryonite doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, it’s safe to use in homes, hotels and other places where bed bugs are found. In fact, it’s even safe to use in homes that have small children and pets around.

If your residential or commercial property has bed bugs, contact Stern Environmental for NJ pest control. Our technicians can use Cryonite to effectively eliminate these pests.

Tips to Help College Students Become Bed Bug Aware

Tips to Help College Students Become Bed Bug Aware
Tips to Help College Students Become Bed Bug Aware

Bug Beware

Do you know any blood-sucking pests? How can you oust them out of your life? We are talking bed bugs of course! Our Stern Environmental team of NJ Pest Control experts keeps the bugs out of your life and your focus on point! We help you experience life bug-free so you can catch some quality zzz’s.

Taking Notes

Whip out your notebook and make some observations. Below is a quick checklist of what you’ll find when bedbugs are invading your dorm:

1. Look in every nook and cranny. In other words, scan seams and welts for signs of bugs. You may find fecal or blood stains in various areas.

2. Check outlets behind furniture and along plaster cracks. Small pea sized pearl-like egg deposits will hide here.

3. Watch out for the baseboards. Old bug skeletons lurk there!

Stop the Madness

Before you call in sick for a class to toss out your bed, here are some simpler ways to address a bed bug problem:

1. Toss clothing and linens straight from your bag into the wash.

2. Give yourself and your clothes a good rinse in extremely hot water.

3. If you have unwashable items, get them to a heated temp of 120 degrees for 2 hours in a sealed bag.

Our Stern Environmental NJ Pest Control will finish the job! Contact us today, so you can finally get some worry-free sleep!

Heat Treatment to Kill Bed Bugs Causes Death of Resident

Heat Treatment to Kill Bed Bugs Causes Death of Resident
Heat Treatment to Kill Bed Bugs Causes Death of Resident

A sad and tragic situation occurred in 2017 involving heat treatment to eliminate bed bugs that resulted in the death of an 82-year-old woman.

Heat Treatments and Safety

According to a lawsuit filed by the family of Elizabeth Ashbaugh, the residence she and her husband shared at a senior living community had undergone bed bug treatment.

The home had been processed using a heat treatment that raised the temperature inside the home to 139 degrees. The treatment used a heat application only; no chemicals were involved. Upon returning home, the Ashbaughs entered and were immediately affected by the high heat and began experiencing a loss of consciousness. Both were rushed to the hospital where Mrs. Ashbaugh passed away due to hypothermia.

The family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit naming both the Certified Termite and Pest Control company and the Laure Point Senior Apartments for negligence. It was also noted that neither Mr. or Mrs. Ashbaugh had received safety instructions from anyone letting them know under what conditions it would safe to return to their apartment.

A NJ bed bug control specialist is just a call away at Stern Environmental. Our experienced NJ bed bug control technicians are experts in the proper handling of heat control processes, as well as chemical treatments, and the applicable safety measures. For a free inspection, contact Stern to find out what tiny insects might be lurking in your home.