Tag Archives: Bed Bug Contol

NYC Bed Bug Cases Flourish and Mutations Increase

Why Are Bed Bug Reports Down?
Why Are Bed Bug Reports Down?

One of the best pieces of news that a NYC/NJ bed bug exterminator can hear is that New York City officials have reported for the first time in years that bed bug infestations are down. That means our current methods are working. In fact, the Housing Preservation and Development Department reports that they’re down by almost 50%.

While this might be great news for homeowners, business owners, and public entities, the bad news is that there are still new reports coming in, and it seems that these NYC bed bugs are not willing to give up without a fight. They’re actually mutating by growing thicker skins, and this is allowing them to withstand many of the common insecticides that are generally used to eradicate them.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, there is some speculation that bed bug reports aren’t just down because the problem is getting solved, but because people are just learning to cope with the pests, and so they’re not reporting infestations. This creates a serious problem because without reporting them, bed bug infestations aren’t receiving the attention needed to get them under control.

Contacting a NJ bed bug exterminator is the best way to ensure that your bed bug problem is handled properly. You don’t have to live your life with bed bugs, and here at Stern Environmental, we have methods to kill even the hardiest of bed bugs. Contact us today.

How Stern’s RTM Lowers Pest Monitoring Personnel Costs

Stern's RTM Size
Stern’s RTM Size

Pests are small, elusive, persistent, and capable of reproducing rapidly. Because of their small size, pests can easily navigate areas of buildings that people can’t physically access.

These pests set their own schedule, and for the most part are savvy enough to avoid being seen. By the time you do notice bedbugs, the infestation is probably at an advanced stage. It is not humanly possible to effectively monitor and detect their activity without some round-the-clock technology. That is why you need Stern’s Real Time Monitoring (RTM).

What is Stern’s RTM?

Stern’s RTM for bedbugs is a comprehensive, multi-pronged method of monitoring for bedbugs in hotels and motels, college dormitories, shelters, nursing homes, and other businesses.

The RTM system uses traps with a heated pest containment drawer, a lure compartment and dispenser, and a LED alert trigger light. It includes thermal and accelerometer sensors that detect heat, vibrations, and sounds from bedbugs.

Stern’s system continuously captures images of the heated containment drawer chambers. The proprietary visualization technology of the RTM recognizes if a pest has entered one of the chambers and captures photos or videos of its activity. When a pest is detected, alert messages are sent by email or text message.

Stern’s RTM for bedbugs provides real-time monitoring and significantly lowers personnel costs by allowing managers to detect infestations in the early and more manageable stages. Contact Stern Environmental today for more information.

NYC’s Top Hotels Are Outed for Bed Bug Problems

NYC's Top Hotels Are Outed for Bed Bug Problems
NYC’s Top Hotels Are Outed for Bed Bug Problems

New York City hotels are fighting a tiny menace that makes life miserable for guests. Bed bugs have packed their bags and moved in to some of the top hotels in the city.

The tiny bloodsuckers infiltrate bedding, walls, drawers, curtains, suitcases, tote bags, clothing, or anything else they can attach themselves to for a free ride to a new destination. Upon arrival the bed bugs set up housekeeping, then wait for the food buffet – which is the guests – to arrive.

Bed bugs can bite multiple times leaving red, itchy welts. While not disease carriers, some people do have an allergic reaction.

According to a report from the Bedbug Registry, New York has experienced an increase in bed bug complaints of over 44 percent in two years. This is alarming as the hotels used for the report are members of the Hotel Association of New York City.

Out of 272 association members, a whopping 65 percent had received at least one bed bug complaint. Another 18 hotels had a total of 363 bug complaints which equals 42 percent.

NYC bed bug control is at the top of the list for members of the association and to fight the insects, they have implemented anti-bedbug programs.

Whether you have a rental property, home, or business, consider NYC bed bug control for your property. Contact Stern Environmental Group for an inspection and treatment by our experienced staff.

Bed Bug Problems Spread on Social Media Hurting Businesses

Don't Let Bed Bugs Destroy Your Online Reputation
Don’t Let Bed Bugs Destroy Your Online Reputation

The world-wide bed bug infestation continues to rise as the tiny bloodsucking insects invade homes, businesses, planes, trains, automobiles, and any other location that offers a snug environment and readily available food sources.

Another area being hard hit by bed bugs is the hospitality industry. Namely, hotels, motels, inns, resorts, and bed and breakfasts. This includes 2-star to 5-star establishments. No business is safe from the small marauding bugs.

One thing that is adding fuel to the fire about bed bug infestations where hotels are concerned is the negative reviews being posted on popular social media sites. With multiple places available where disgruntled guests can share their bed bug experience with millions of people with an instant post, hotels are losing ground fast and taking a hit financially.

A negative post can have a potential guest think twice before booking a room and this has many hotels scurrying to meet the problem head-on by hiring pest control companies to immediately address the problem.

For residents and business owners who are experiencing an infestation, you need the expert services of a NYC bed bug control specialist. Trying to rid the problem on your own will most likely not be successful.

At Stern Environmental Group, our NYC bed bug control technicians have the experience, products, and the treatments available to rid your property of the pesky pests. Call Stern today and be bug free, tomorrow.

What About Bed Bugs in Dorms and Hostels for Winter Travel?

View of a messy room
College Dorms are Great Places for Bed Bugs

There are enough things to worry about when traveling or heading off to live in a dorm and the last thing you want to deal with is bed bugs. It’s a possibility you should be aware of.

Found throughout the world, there is no place that is safe from the tiny bloodsuckers. From the swankiest hotel to a college dorm room or from a elementary school to a convenient hostel, bed bugs have found their way into these locations.

Bed bugs are prolific travelers and will hitch a ride on luggage, backpacks and carry-on bags then set up housekeeping once arriving at their destination. With more people traveling and students traveling to other countries to take classes, it provides more opportunities for bed bugs to be mobile.

Since bed bugs are pests of opportunity using available items as a means of transportation from place to place, it’s no wonder infestations occur.

A sure sign of bed buds are the red, itchy bites all over the body. Bugs infiltrate bedding, furniture, curtains, cushions, and desk drawers and need bed bug treatment by NYC bed bug control professionals to tackle the problem.

If you’re experiencing a bed bug infestation, you need the help of NYC bed bug control specialists. At Stern Environmental Group, we have the NYC bed bed control products to eliminate pests and keep them away. Call us today and be bed bug free tomorrow.