When you own an apartment building or live in one, it’s important for you to become familiar with NJ bed bug laws. As a landlord, this knowledge can help you determine if you need to pay for NJ pest control. As a tenant, this information can help you know what to do if you discover bed bugs in your apartment.
What Tenants Should Do
If you see bed bugs in your home, your first step should be letting your landlord know in writing. Sending it certified mail with return receipt requested is recommended, so that you have proof of this communication.
Your landlord is legally obligated to take care of bed bug infestations in order to provide you with a safe and livable home. However, you might be responsible for paying for these services if your landlord can prove that you caused the infestation.
What Landlords Should Do
Landlords must handle bed bug problems in apartment buildings in order to ensure that tenants have a safe place to live. Whether bed bugs are in one unit or in multiple units, it’s important to eliminate these infestations right away. Landlords are not financially responsible for these services if they can prove that a specific tenant caused a bed bug problem.
If you’re dealing with a bed bug problem, contact Stern Environmental Group for help. Our NJ pest control services include effective and safe bed bug control.