Tag Archives: Bed Bug Detectors

What to Do Right Now if You Think You Have Bed Bugs

What to Do Right Now if You Think You Have Bed Bugs
What to Do Right Now if You Think You Have Bed Bugs

Do you fear that bed bugs have infiltrated your home? Don’t wait to take action. Keep bed bugs at bay with these tips from your local NJ bed bug exterminator.

Don’t Assume

Because many bugs bite, bite marks aren’t necessarily indicative of the presence of bed bugs. Finding evidence is key.

Try Some Traps

Bed bugs feed off human blood. Check in close proximity to their source, such as under your box spring and mattress, to confirm their presence. If you don’t see any, try bed bug detectors and traps.

Quarantine Suspicious Items

Bed bugs are hitchhikers by nature. Quarantine and decontaminate suspected transport mechanisms such as luggage, backpacks, and jackets with a 10% bleach solution or insecticidal spray.

Be a Clean Freak

Steam clean and vacuum regularly, keeping containers clean and empty.

Prevent Further Infestation

Treatment can take weeks to months. Safeguard clothing, fabric, and furnishings by washing, drying, and sealing them in large bags.

Don’t Go It Alone

Horrified homeowners often try to treat bed bug problems themselves out of embarrassment. Unfortunately, this often leads to a worsening infestation. Bed bug insecticides are often used incorrectly. Even when correctly used, many pests have developed a resistance to these products. For this reason, city health officials recommend seeking out professional pest control for bed bug eradication.

Don’t let bed bugs take over your home. Evict them fast with the help of a skilled NJ bed bug exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental today.

Bed Bug Detectors Find Low Levels of Bed Bugs

When bed bugs first come into your home, they arrive ready to breed. It doesn’t take long for bed bugs to start biting you in your bed once they have followed you home. Bed bugs are attracted to their food source – you –  by your carbon dioxide. Once they find you, they will stay within an eight foot or so radius keeping your close as their source of food.

If you have brought bed bugs home recently you may not even know that they are present for several months. In fact some people don’t even have a reaction to bites and so their first sign of a bed bug presence is small fecal spots or red spots on their sheets. If you can see the bed bugs on your bed, you are at an infestation level.

It is easier and less expensive to treat a bed bug problem that is in the early stages. However, detection at this early stage can be problematic. Sometimes a visual identification of these pests is not possible at such a low level. If you have bite marks, this may be proof enough, that you have bed bugs and prompt you to pay for a bed bug treatment right away. For others, a confirmation of the presence of bed bugs is warranted. This is where bed bug detection devices are practical to use.

There are many new inexpensive bed bug detectors on the market. The one’s we particularly like are glue dotted strips. Just stick them on your mattress and headboard and in one to two weeks pull the strips apart to see if you have trapped any bed bugs. For low levels of bed bugs or a situation where you are simply not sure if you have bed bugs or fleas from a pet, using a detector can be a time and money saver; helping you to treat only when you have real evidence of a bed bug problem.