Tag Archives: Bite Identification

“What’s Biting Me?” Tips to Diagnosing Bug Bites

It’s bug season on the east coast, so ask yourself what’s the nearest pest control service near me. Unfortunately, it’s also the time for bug bites. Most everyone at some time, is going to get bitten by a bug, and although we can’t cover every single bug that might bite you, here is what to look for to determine what’s biting you.

• Mosquito Bite — Generally a big red itchy welt. Probably the most common bite of all.

• Tick Bite — You’ll usually find a tick attached to your skin when they bite. After the bite, if you have a big red bulls-eye type of welt, it may be a sign of Lyme’s Disease.

Wasp/Bee Sting — Swelling in the area with a tiny red dot in the middle.

• Flea Bites — Generally a cluster of little reddened bites.

Bed Bug Bites — Itchy red bites that don’t usually swell, usually on the shoulders and arms.

• Chigger Bites — Itchy red welts near the feet or ankles. They stay attached for a day or two, so you may catch one in the act.

• Spider Bites — A brown recluse will leave a flattened red mark where it bit, while a black widow will leave fang marks. If bitten by either spider, seek medical assistance immediately.

When asking what’s the best pest control near me, the answer is Stern’s Environmental. For any questions about bug bites, bugs and how to get rid of them, contact Stern’s.