Tag Archives: Cockroach Exterminator

German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees

German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees
German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees

Many may utter the word “cockroach” and shudder. Do you? If you aren’t a fan of uninvited clients coming to a food facility or office near you, then you might want to contact our local NJ pest control team as soon as possible. German cockroaches love food, hanging out on employee clothing, and hitching rides on any belongings. What can you do to stop it? The key is isolation.

Keeping the Cockroaches Away

What can you do to prevent unsuspecting employees from bringing bacteria-spreading German cockroaches near food products or food preparation areas in your facility? Here are a few simple steps to prevent an accidental cockroach invasion:

– Ensure employees put on their uniforms on site.

– Install an employee locker room, separate and away from daily operations.

– Keep cockroach monitors near vending machines, in locker rooms, and sources of water such as sinks.

– Set clear guidelines that ensure employees know not to bring open containers into the facilities. They are quick transportation devices for enterprising cockroaches.

– Teach employee awareness. Stress the importance of following guidelines that discourage pests from entering your facility.

Our NJ pest control team of experts love to inform, investigate, eradicate and take care of any pest concerns you have. Your livelihood may be at stake and we understand the importance of that. Contact us today and we’ll be quick to help you safeguard your business and the health of your clientele!

Why Cockroach Control is So Important for Restaurants

Don't Let Bugs Spoil Your Customer's Great Meal Experience
Don’t Let Bugs Spoil Your Customer’s Great Meal Experience

There is nothing worse than going to a restaurant and seeing a cockroach. Even one of these pests is enough to sour your appetite, and you may never go there again. The fact is that restaurants often suffer from cockroach infestations. If you’re a restaurant owner, this is something you definitely want to learn more about.

What a Cockroach Infestation is Telling Your Customers

As your NYC cockroach exterminators, we know exactly what seeing these pests is saying to your patrons. They’re thinking:

– “This restaurant is unsanitary”

– “The staff here might have poor hygiene”

– “I could get sick if I eat here”

You want your patrons to have nothing but good things to say about your business. This means that you need to take care of any cockroach control issues immediately. Preferably before they even notice that anything is wrong.

Good Advice From NYC Cockroach Exterminators

You’ll want to begin by addressing what could be bringing cockroaches in. Maybe your staff members are keeping food in their lockers, or they’re not cleaning enough. Once you determine that, it’s important to get a professional in to assess the situation.

At Stern, we are your NYC cockroach exterminators. We’re very good at identifying where a roach problem could be coming from. Once we identify the source, we can help you remedy the situation, while taking care of your infestation in the process. Contact us to learn more!

German Cockroach Gut Bacteria Encourages Grouping and Colonies

Setting Up House: Cockroaches Create Their Own "Neighborhoods"
Setting Up House: Cockroaches Create Their Own “Neighborhoods”

They’re creepy and crawly, and they like to get in everyone’s business from chewing through boxed containers of food to running amuck across counter tops in the kitchen. The disrespecting culprit is the infamous cockroach.

Cockroach and Bacteria

A study at North Carolina State University had interesting results that could lead to the development of stronger and more efficient baits and traps to stop cockroaches in their tracks.

This study involved bacteria found in the gut of German cockroaches. The findings determined that gut bacteria produced fatty acids that result in pheromones being produced in the bug’s feces. The pheromones then work as an attractive scent that is irresistible to other roaches. This draws the roaches together, which is important especially for nymphs who need a safe place.

The feces contained different chemical compounds; 40 in all. What the researchers found was that feces not containing the gut bacteria lacked the majority of the compounds and had only small amounts in the remaining group.

What this means to pest researchers developing treatments for companies with NJ cockroach exterminator specialists is the ability to create more effective products that can be blended to address a variety of roach groups depending on individual environments.

When you’re in need of NJ cockroach exterminator specialists, just give us a call at Stern Environmental. We have experienced technicians with the tools and treatments required to make your property bug free.


Female Cockroaches Are Very Picky When Selecting Mates

What's Worse than One Cockroach? A Whole Colony of Them. Don't Let them Breed!
What’s Worse than One Cockroach? A Whole Colony of Them. Don’t Let them Breed!

There’s nothing wrong with being selective when choosing one’s mate and that includes the fairer sex in some insect species such as the cockroach.

Cockroach Courtship

A study at Anglia Ruskin University by Dr. Sophie Mowles covers the intricacies of the courtship ritual of the Cuban burrowing cockroach.

One prominent feature the female looks for is high-levels of energy displayed by the male. This is accomplished by the male in a “raising of the wing” ceremony by repeatedly raising his wing to a vertical position then lowering it. He’ll do this over and over, hence, he is showing his stamina and energy level which the female cockroach finds attractive.

The female’s only interest in the mating ritual is finding the male who is in the best physical condition. While the repeated raising and lowering of the wings tires the male and drains his energy, it’s a gauge used by the female when choosing the father of her babies.

The female wants the best genes for her offspring. By doing so, she ensures her babies are physically fit, have the ability and agility to evade predators, be victorious when confronting rivals, and males are attractive to females to carry on the family line.

If you have a problem with these pests, you need an NJ cockroach exterminator. Contact us at Stern where we have cockroach exterminator specialists who will rid your property of these unwanted guests.