Tag Archives: Cockroach Pest Control

Bed Bugs, Roaches, and Rats, Oh My! One Local Queens Family’s Struggle


Bed Bugs, Roaches, and Rats, Oh My! One Local Queens Family's Struggle
Bed Bugs, Roaches, and Rats, Oh My! One Local Queens Family’s Struggle

Dealing with bed bugs is enough to send you in search of NJ pest control services. But what happens when you include roaches and rats in the mix? One family in Queens is facing that struggle right now.

Pests Pit Tenant Against Landlord

Lutfa Moni and Sohel Ahmed are locked in a legal battle with their landlord, Setam Realty Associates. The lawsuit they filed in Queens Housing Court claims that the company failed to address their problem of pest infestation and the couple has been the subject of harassment since making the complaints.

According to Moni, their apartment has been overrun with bed bugs, mice and roaches since 2010. Extermination appears to have eliminated the bed bugs, but rats have recently turned up. She and Ahmed believe they’re being “punished” since Setam lost a 2016 bid to evict them.

Who’s at Fault?

For Setam’s part, they allege that the couple is chronically delinquent with rent, owing $18,000 in arrears. While the landlord says Moni and Ahmed are the only residents who have bed bugs, city records document complaints from other tenants dating back to 2013. Issues cited include peeling plaster, lack of heat and faulty elevators along with pest infestations.

Turn to Stern Environmental for Effective NJ Pest Control

No one should have to live in a pest-infested home. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our cheerful and experienced NJ pest control experts.

German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees

German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees
German Cockroaches May Be Brought Into Your Office by Unsuspecting Employees

Many may utter the word “cockroach” and shudder. Do you? If you aren’t a fan of uninvited clients coming to a food facility or office near you, then you might want to contact our local NJ pest control team as soon as possible. German cockroaches love food, hanging out on employee clothing, and hitching rides on any belongings. What can you do to stop it? The key is isolation.

Keeping the Cockroaches Away

What can you do to prevent unsuspecting employees from bringing bacteria-spreading German cockroaches near food products or food preparation areas in your facility? Here are a few simple steps to prevent an accidental cockroach invasion:

– Ensure employees put on their uniforms on site.

– Install an employee locker room, separate and away from daily operations.

– Keep cockroach monitors near vending machines, in locker rooms, and sources of water such as sinks.

– Set clear guidelines that ensure employees know not to bring open containers into the facilities. They are quick transportation devices for enterprising cockroaches.

– Teach employee awareness. Stress the importance of following guidelines that discourage pests from entering your facility.

Our NJ pest control team of experts love to inform, investigate, eradicate and take care of any pest concerns you have. Your livelihood may be at stake and we understand the importance of that. Contact us today and we’ll be quick to help you safeguard your business and the health of your clientele!

Interesting Facts About the German Cockroach

Interesting Facts About the German Cockroach
Interesting Facts About the German Cockroach

When you see a 1/2-inch to a 5/8-inch medium brown bug with two distinctive dark strips running down the back of its head, most likely you are looking at a German cockroach.

Cockroach Facts

You aren’t alone in your sightings as this bug is the most common of the cockroach species found in hotels, restaurants, apartments, houses, and similar buildings.

Several factors contribute to its continued success as a household pest:

– To start with, the female carries a larger number of eggs, which can range from 30-50 per egg capsule.

Cockroaches also have the shortest time span to develop from the moment they hatch until they become sexually active. This means that there is a faster turn around and a higher potential for population growth.

– Because female cockroaches carry the capsule throughout the development of the embryos, the baby cockroaches are not subjected to many of the hazards that other types of nymphs face that are not kept in egg capsules for the duration of their development.

– Baby German cockroaches are small compared to other cockroach species, which allows them better opportunities to hide and survive.

These factors contribute to a fast reproductive cycle adding to the cockroaches already established worldwide population.

Managing a cockroach infestation needs an experienced NJ cockroach exterminator. Contact us at Stern Environment and we’ll schedule a NJ cockroach exterminator for an inspection and to rid your home of unwanted guests.

Cockroaches and Restaurants – Where There is One There Are Many!

You Won't Just See One!
You Won’t Just See One!

Restaurant owners must be vigilant to keep cockroaches from invading their building. Just one sighting of a roach by a customer can have a devastating impact on the reputation of your business. German cockroaches are enemy number one for restaurant owners. They’re adaptable, reproduce quickly, and carry bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella.

The German Cockroach

German cockroaches have an average lifespan of about 20 weeks. They mature quickly and are able to reproduce just a few weeks after hatching. Females produce about seven egg capsules in their lifetime with approximately 48 eggs in each capsule. It’s estimated that one female can be matriarch to as many as 35,000 roaches in a year. Cockroaches move around at night. If you see one scurrying about in your restaurant during the day, it likely means their hiding places are overcrowded, you have a major infestation, and it’s time to call Stern for NYC commercial pest control services.

Why Cockroaches Cluster

According to ScienceNews, the gut bacteria (Blattella germanica) in young German cockroaches has a distinct smell that attracts other roaches when it is excreted. This could be why roaches cluster and perhaps gives each roach colony its own aroma.

We have been providing NYC commercial pest control services for more than 17 years and can quickly eliminate any size of cockroach infestation. We will also help you develop a plan to prevent future problems. Contact us today.

Is Your Cockroach Asian or German? How to ID Your Pest

Here are Some Tips on Distinguishing Between Two Types of Cockroaches.
Here are Some Tips on Distinguishing Between Two Types of Cockroaches.

Since their discovery in the U.S., the Asian cockroach has been frequently confused with its German cockroach cousin. Uncovered in Lakeland, Florida in 1986 by a professional pest control operator, the Asian roach was initially identified as a German roach. However, peculiarities in its behavior led to the discovery it was not German, Blattella germanica, as originally believed, but Blattella asahinai, the Asian cockroach. Fortunately, the NJ bed bug specialists are experts at identifying these pests.

Nearly Identical to German Roaches, Asian Roaches Differ in the Following Ways:

The primary habitat of Asian roaches is outdoors in shaded or composted areas, where fresh plant litter accumulates.

Asian cockroaches have a longer, narrower wingspan than Germans, with wings extending past the tip of their abdomen.

Unlike the German cockroach, Asian roaches are strong fliers. They are most active after sundown, but will take flight in daylight if disturbed.

Dorsal Features
When viewed from above, the stripes on the Asian roach are darker and more defined than those on the German roach.

The abdominal midsection of the Asian roach appears white, while that of the German roach appears lightly pigmented.

Egg Capsules
The egg capsules and nymphs of the Asian cockroach are smaller than those of German cockroaches.

The NJ bed bug specialists at Stern Environmental have skills eliminating an array of pests. Learn more about our effective cockroach control methods today.