When you see a 1/2-inch to a 5/8-inch medium brown bug with two distinctive dark strips running down the back of its head, most likely you are looking at a German cockroach.
Cockroach Facts
You aren’t alone in your sightings as this bug is the most common of the cockroach species found in hotels, restaurants, apartments, houses, and similar buildings.
Several factors contribute to its continued success as a household pest:
– To start with, the female carries a larger number of eggs, which can range from 30-50 per egg capsule.
– Cockroaches also have the shortest time span to develop from the moment they hatch until they become sexually active. This means that there is a faster turn around and a higher potential for population growth.
– Because female cockroaches carry the capsule throughout the development of the embryos, the baby cockroaches are not subjected to many of the hazards that other types of nymphs face that are not kept in egg capsules for the duration of their development.
– Baby German cockroaches are small compared to other cockroach species, which allows them better opportunities to hide and survive.
These factors contribute to a fast reproductive cycle adding to the cockroaches already established worldwide population.
Managing a cockroach infestation needs an experienced NJ cockroach exterminator. Contact us at Stern Environment and we’ll schedule a NJ cockroach exterminator for an inspection and to rid your home of unwanted guests.