Tag Archives: Insect Control

Why Do Yellow Jacket Stings Hurt So Much?

What to Know About Hornet Attacks
What to Know About Yellow Jackets

Most people have been stung by a wasp at some point in their lifetime.  Why does it hurt so bad? The NJ yellow jacket control professionals at Stern Environmental are here to explain a little behind the science of a wasp’s wrath.

Wasps Sting When Threatened

A single wasp, such as a yellow jacket, can and will sting repeatedly. A cousin to ants and bees, who also live in large colonies, a wasp sting releases a pheromone. This alerts nearby wasps to join in on the stinging/defense party, pursuing you over long distances.

Wasp Venom Stimulates Pain Receptors

Bee and wasp venoms contain an acid called melittin, which stimulates pain receptors. Wasp venom also contains acetylcholine, another pain receptor stimulant. Releasing histamine into your bloodstream as they sting, this combination of chemicals causes burning, itching, and misery.

Ways to Banish the Burn

Applying an ice pack to wasp stings can help reduce the pain and swelling of yellow jacket stings. A paste of water and baking soda can help neutralize the acidic toxins. Sprinkling meat tenderizer, which contains the enzyme papain, can also break down proteins in the venom. Taking an antihistamine immediately after the sting can also help reduce swelling and itching. Known allergy? Always carry an Epi-Pen, and understand its proper usage.

Put your wasp control concerns on ice. Contact the NJ yellow jacket control experts at Stern Environmental today.

What Do You Mean Out-Stinking a Stinkbug Doesn’t Work? Here’s the Right Way to Eliminate Them

What IS That Smell? Oh no, Stinkbugs...
What IS That Smell? Oh no, Stinkbugs…

Something smells! What is it? The wrong method for eliminating stinkbugs, that’s what! You can’t out-stink a stinkbug. This year, higher infestations of stinkbugs are in the pest control forecast. What methods keep rotten bug odors from penetrating your happy haven? How can you prevent your home from being infested by pests that have no business “reeking” havoc in your life? Your local NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental have all the answers!

Prep for Prevention

Here are some quick tips to keep stink bugs away and your peace of mind at the forefront:

1. Look out for potential stinkbug break-in areas. Typical access points include cracks around doors, windows, chimneys, siding, electrical outlets, light switches, ceiling fixtures, and skylights. An unbroken silicone-latex sealant around those areas prevents stinkbugs from sneaking in.

2. Exchange your brighter exterior light fixtures for dimmer solutions. Stinkbugs enjoy basking in white light. Change the mood to a less welcoming ambiance by replacing white outdoor bulbs with yellow ones.

3. If stinkbugs have already invaded your home, call our Stern Environmental NJ pest control experts. Our pest control experience can help you isolate the problem, eliminate it and address any future threats with a comprehensive, effective methodology.

NJ Pest Control Gets Rid of the Stink

Got stink bugs? Contact us today! Our proven methods can permanently put the lid on any pests that wreak havoc on your peace of mind!

What New Jersey Insects Cause Bites Which May Be Mistaken for Bedbug Bites?

Do You Know What's Biting You?
Do You Know What’s Biting You?

You wake up one morning only to find mysterious bug bites tattooed on your body. With all the talk of bed bugs, this is probably the first thing that comes to mind followed by the dread of dealing with an infestation.

Your first diagnosis may be incorrect and what you have is other biting pests that leave marks similar to bed bugs. Regardless, it’s time to call a NJ pest control service.

Diagnosing Bug Bites

Whatever the insect, some of the bugs that “present” themselves with characteristics of bed bugs bites include the following:


If you have indoor/outdoor pets, chances are a renegade flea will hitch a ride. Even if you don’t have pets, fleas travel on squirrels, rodents, even birds so, there’s a good chance they’re in your yard and hopped aboard your shoe or pant leg for a ride indoors.


These microscopic mites are outdoor dwellers. If you spend any time outside, you may find bites under the rim of your socks. If you’re wearing tight clothing, you may find bites around the waistband.

A NJ pest control specialist takes care of exterminating these aggravating bugs once and for all. With periodic checks of your home and lawn by a NJ pest control professional, you’ll nip bug bites where they begin – keeping your home pest free. Call and schedule an inspection with Stern Environmental and send those biting bugs packing.

It’s Stink Bug Season – How to Prepare for the Annual Invasion

It's Stink Bug Season - How to Prepare for the Annual Invasion
It’s Stink Bug Season – How to Prepare for the Annual Invasion

Any type of bug infiltrating your home is not pleasant and when it has a name like “stink bug” attached, that’s a double whammy you aren’t going to want to deal with.

While you may think you have the arsenal to conquer these miniature armored bugs, it’s really a job for NJ pest control professionals.

About Stink Bugs

Before the fall season checks in, now is the time to start preparing your home for an impending invasion. Once the weather starts to make its change from the comfort of warm summer days, stink bugs instinctively know winter is just around the corner. They’ll begin making plans to get inside and get comfortable before the inclement weather is an everyday occurrence.

There are a couple of things to do to prevent stink bugs from entering your home.

Things to Do

– Begin with a visual inspection looking for cracks and crevices providing entry points. These may be around doors and window sills, and drain pipes in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room.

– Use a shop vac to thoroughly vacuum your home and empty the canister immediately.

With NJ pest control technicians on the job, these potentially smelly bugs won’t make your home their winter quarters. To help keep your home smelling fresh as a daisy, contact the Stern Environmental Group. We know what it takes to keep everything smelling like a bed or roses. Call us today.

Ant Trivia – There’s More to Know About This Tiny Insect

Ants Survived Millions of Years, Leave Getting Rid of Them to Professionals
Ants Survived Millions of Years, Leave Getting Rid of Them to Professionals.

Having lived on this planet for over 100 million years, ants have a long history of being survivors. These tiny insects walked alongside dinosaurs, which is a survival feat of its own.

Tiny Trivia Tidbits

If you’ve ever taken a moment to observe an ant colony, it is impressive. These small but powerful insects waste no time or energy in completing whatever task they’ve been assigned. They work, build, farm, take care of their young, take out the garbage from nests, guard the queen, and guard their nests without complaining, quitting, or going on strike.

Ants come in a variety of colors including brown, black, orange, yellow, purple, green, and blue, which allows them to blend in with their surroundings. They range in size, with the carpenter ant being the largest as it can grow to one-inch in length.

There are more than 10,000 known ant species in the world. They are related to bees and wasps and they have the largest brain in the insect kingdom. Their lifespan averages 45-60 days.

While most ants just go about their business setting up housekeeping in trees, in mounds, or underground, carpenter ants reside in wood and are known to be destructive to buildings, which is why an ant exterminator is necessary.

If you’re dealing with an ant intrusion, contact Stern Environmental and be ant-free by scheduling a professional ant exterminator to inspect and treat your home.