Tag Archives: NJ Exterminator

Will the El Nino Winter Snow Effect in NJ Mean More Spring Pests?

Will the El Nino Effect Impact NJ Spring Pests?
Will the El Nino Effect Impact NJ Spring Pests?

El Nino is coming. What effect will this have on NJ pest control issues? The U.S. Climate Prediction Center is expecting a weak El Nino weather pattern this year. However, this doesn’t mean winter will be trouble-free.

What a Weak El Nino Means for the Garden State

During an El Nino pattern, surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean are warmer than normal, affecting global weather patterns. This year’s weak El Nino is expected to lead to winter weather that’s warmer and wetter. However, this doesn’t mean no snow. Areas that commonly experience snowfall should expect more as part of the winter weather milieu.

How this Season’s El Nino Pattern will Affect Pests

Insects are affected by temperature and moisture. Most hide away for the winter, taking shelter in warm spots beneath your home, in its cracks and crevices, or underground, beneath leaves, and tree trunks. Equipped with a built-in ‘antifreeze’ that allows them to remain dormant, they spring back to life in warmer temperatures, easily surviving the winter. The warmer, wetter weather predicted this winter season, however, could lead to:

– The premature emergence of pests from hibernation on warmer than normal sunny winter days.

– The invasion of your home by pests in rainy weather as insects flee flooded nesting sites.

Freeze pests out for the winter with the help of the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental today.

NYC Mice Found to Carry Dangerous Drug Resistant Diseases

Mouse Control
Don’t Let Disease Carrying Mice Take Over Your Establishment!

Research undertaken in New York City by microbiologists focused on collecting the furry creatures and analyzing the bacteria and potential diseases they carry. Several of the city’s boroughs were the target for collection of the specimens, which were gathered from residential and commercial buildings.

The Findings

It’s a known fact that mice carry a variety of diseases such as Leptospira, Shigella, Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and salmonella.

During the research project, a total of 36 viruses were found. Among these, six were new. Although the six new viruses did not pose a threat to humans, other bacteria in the mice could be spread to humans.

The Idea

Drug-resistant disease-causing bacteria is a concern and the research brought to light the extent that this antibiotic resistance may be.

Because New York is one of the most visited cities in the U.S., it is important that research continue to be developed to explore and understand these diseases and their potential effect on humans.

Whether you live in a house, apartment, or condominium, or your job brings you to the city, having a NJ Pest Control inspect and treat your space is a smart step to take to promote good health.

If you’re concerned about mice inside or outside your home or business, get some peace of mind with a NJ pest control specialist from Stern Environmental who will inspect your property. Call today to schedule an appointment.