Tag Archives: NJ Residential Pest Control

Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?

Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?
Does Integrated Pest Management Work to Lower Pest Populations?

As more home and business owners seek to minimize exposure to chemical pesticides, commercial pest control providers are increasingly turning to integrated pest management solutions. How well does this approach work for pest control?

The Inner Workings of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Environmentally friendly and safe for humans and pets, integrated pest management solutions reduce chemical exposure and subsequent health and environmental risks. IPM seeks to prevent and control pests through a three phase approach:  

1. Monitor and identify pests in the environment.

2. Preventing or excluding pests from entering the environment.

3. Control pests, balancing the risks and efficacy of treatment.

What Solutions Might Be Involved with IPM?

At the onset of infestation, lower-risk pest control measures are preferred such as natural chemicals and pheromones. If this approach is effective, treatment is concluded. If this more natural approach proves ineffective, chemical baits or pesticides are then integrated, beginning with the safest and most effective options.

Integrated Pest Management is Beneficial in Large & Small Scale Applications

Whether you are looking for a more natural pest control alternative for your home or commercial property, IPM is effective and endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Looking for an alternative to chemical and pesticide-laden commercial pest control options? Learn more about safe and effective integrated pest management services from Stern Environmental today.

Selling Your Home or Condo? Know the Fine Print Disclosures on Bed Bugs

Selling Your Home, Make Sure You Know What to Say About Bed Bugs
Selling Your Home or Condo? Know the Fine Print Disclosures on Bed Bugs

An urban epidemic – as bed bug problems continue to proliferate, these pests have made their way into co-op and condominium contracts. A recent new New York State law requires landlords to disclose past bed bug infestations prior to rental. However, there has been confusion in the real estate sales industry over disclosure requirements, and the NJ bed bug control experts at Stern want you to be aware of the new legal requirements.

NY State’s Division of Housing and Community Renewal Requires Sales Disclosure

The division’s form includes a checklist, clearly stating whether bed bugs have been detected on home/condo premises, and whether eradication measures have been taken. There is currently no penalty for non-compliance, though buyers who aren’t given a disclosure can file a complaint. Nancy Peters, a spokeswoman for the division, clarified that renters and buyers of apartments, homes, condos, and co-ops must follow this law in real estate transactions.

Bed Bug Disclosures Already a Part of Many Negotiations

Home buyers are more commonly requiring bed bug disclosures as part of negotiations, with ‘bed bug riders’ added to contracts requiring the signature of sellers. Stipulating, “The seller has no knowledge of the existence or presence of bed bugs in the unit either currently or in the past,” which makes sellers legally responsible for omissions.

NJ bed bug control measures falling short? Eradicate bed bugs for good with the help of Stern Environmental today.

What Type of Tree Squirrel do You Have in Your Attic?

What Type of Tree Squirrel do You Have in Your Attic?
What Type of Tree Squirrel do You Have in Your Attic?

We’ve reached the time of year when the squirrels are waking up from their winter naps and they’re about to become active again. This means that in addition to seeing them scampering around your yard, you’re likely to hear them in your attic as well. While the best course of action may be to call NJ pest control specialists, you may be interested to know that there are several different types of tree squirrels.

Types of Tree Squirrels in New Jersey

Not all squirrels are the same. If you live in New Jersey, you could be dealing with any of the following:

Fox squirrels – These are the largest types of squirrels, and they tend to be brown/gray in color with an orange/brown belly. They reproduce twice a year and can have as many as three babies per litter.

Gray squirrels – These tend to be mostly gray with a white belly. They are typically found in larger hardwood forests, but they can be seen in New Jersey’s urban areas.

Red squirrels – Red squirrels are smaller with a red/brown coat and a white belly. They tend to prefer evergreen forests.

Flying squirrels – This is the smallest variety, and their bodies allow them to glide through the air.

Your NJ pest control specialists understand how quickly squirrels can become a nuisance. We can help you deal with them if they’ve taken up residence in your home. Contact us!

Tell Tale Signs of a Rat Infestation

Tell Tale Signs of a Rat Infestation
Tell Tale Signs of a Rat Infestation

No one wants to think about the fact that their home or business could be infested with rats. And yet, in our area of the country, these pests are far too common. Before contacting NJ pest control, it’s helpful to know if what you’re dealing with is in fact a rat problem. There are several ways that you can tell.

How to Identify a Rat Infestation

You’re not likely to see a rat in your home or business, but that doesn’t mean they won’t leave signs behind that can alert you of their presence. Some of the most common signs of a rat infestation are:

– Finding rat droppings near food, including dog or cat food dishes or containers.

– Hearing sounds coming from the attic once it begins to get dark.

– Finding old rat nests near firewood stacks.

– Evidence that rats are eating fruit or nuts that have fallen from trees in the yard.

– Burrows beneath garbage cans or compost bins.

Contacting NJ Pest Control to Help With Your Rat Problem

Because rats are so good at hiding, it can be hard to notice an infestation until it’s gotten out of control. Traps may not be enough to deal with them. You may need the help of the NJ pest control specialists here at Stern Environmental.

No one wants to deal with a rat problem. If you think you might have an infestation, please contact us right away!

Regular Pest Control Services Keep Neighbors Happy

When bed bugs, cockroaches or other pests take over one property, they’re bound to show up in neighboring ones at some point. Landlords can do their part in minimizing this risk to neighborhoods with regular NJ pest control services.

Pest Problems in Neighborhoods

Pest problems that occur in one home or apartment building can spread to nearby buildings and homes as pests reproduce and search for food. This can become a big neighborhood problem that affects many people. Tenants don’t always report pest problems, and landlords don’t always take the steps necessary to eliminate problems that are reported. This can make these situations even worse and put more and more neighbors at risk.

Importance of Routine Pest Control

One way to cut down on the risk of developing a major pest problem is by having routine pest inspections and other services done. Setting up monthly inspections can help ensure that pest problems are found as early as possible, which can prevent them from spreading. Buildings can also be treated to keep pests away, lowering the risk of ending up with a pest problem. This helps keep the whole neighborhood as pest-free as possible when everyone commits to doing their part.

If you need to set up routine NJ pest control services for your property, contact Stern Environmental. We offer Integrated Pest Management on a regular basis to help prevent pest problems from occurring.