Tag Archives: NJ Squirrel Control

What to Know About Squirrel Breeding Season in New Jersey

What to Know About Squirrel Breeding Season in New Jersey
What to Know About Squirrel Breeding Season in New Jersey

A lot of New Jersey homeowners have trouble with squirrels in their attics this time of year. But it’s not just the cold weather that drives them inside; although that is one reason they seek shelter. The early winter months are actually the time of year when squirrels are breeding.

Although we know they’re fascinating, your NJ squirrel control professionals also know that they’re a nuisance. We think you do too.

Squirrel Breeding Season

Squirrels generally have two litters of pups a year. They have one in the middle of summer and another in the late winter months. As many as 8 pups are possible per litter, but most squirrels have between 2 and 4.

Squirrel mating behaviors are very interesting as well. They actually mate more like gorillas, which means both males and females have more than one partner.

Do You Need NJ Squirrel Control Experts to Inspect Your Attic?

Most people really like squirrels. They’re fun to watch as they run around your backyard and climb up trees. As long as they stay outside, there are no problems. But all too often, they venture inside for warmth and shelter.

Your NJ squirrel control experts can come and inspect your attic to determine the scope of your squirrel problem. Not only can we get rid of them, but we can help to make sure they can’t make it back inside again. Contact us today for help.

Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know

Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know
Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know

The eastern gray squirrel is a common sight in NJ when you’re outdoors. However, these animals could end up inside your attic or other indoor areas to escape the cold, which means it’s time for NJ pest animal control. While you might be familiar with squirrels, here are some facts that you might not know.

Invasive Squirrels

Eastern gray squirrels are considered an invasive species in the US. In fact, they’ve displaced the native red squirrel in some parts of the region. They’re native to the eastern US and the midwestern US, although they’ve spread to the western regions.

Color Variations

Most gray squirrels are gray, although they can be brown. In urban areas, some of these squirrels end up with white or black fur coloring due to the low risk of predators.

Spatial Memory

Eastern gray squirrels hoard food in numerous locations. They have excellent spatial memory that helps them remember where all of their food caches are.


Squirrels usually feed on seeds, berries, nuts and similar items. However, they’re also known to prey on frogs, birds and other animals. They also gnaw on antlers and bones for minerals.


Eastern gray squirrels use tail movements, facial expressions and vocalizations to communicate. They even make a purring noise when interacting with their young.

If you have a squirrel problem, contact Stern Environmental for NJ pest animal control.

What to Know About the New Jersey Gray Squirrel

What to Know About the New Jersey Gray Squirrel
What to Know About the New Jersey Gray Squirrel

More than just amazing acrobats when it comes to infiltrating your bird feeder, the NJ gray squirrel can also become a household pest. What makes them turn to invading your home when they seem to be plenty busy raiding your bird feeder, pilfering bulbs from your garden, and unwittingly growing a forest of walnut trees in your yard? The NJ gray squirrel control experts at Stern have the 4-1-1 on squirrel shenanigans.

High Metabolism = High Likelihood for Theft

Squirrels require a robust and diverse diet in order to maintain their high metabolism for growth and reproduction. 

Rapid Reproduction = Looking for Family Friendly Real Estate

NJ gray squirrels can reproduce just months after birth. Breeding season is typically in January, then again in the late spring/early summer. If you see squirrels chasing each other, juvenile rodents are likely on their way. Learn how to protect your home from a squirrel invasion. 

Growing Teeth = Structural Dangers

Because these rodent’s teeth constantly grow, they must chew to wear them down, gnawing on your home’s structure, wiring, and more. 

Predators = Squirrels Snacks

If your yard or home hosts NJ gray squirrels, you may see an influx of squirrel predators and pests such as snakes, weasels, raccoons, skunks, foxes, bobcats, and coyotes.

Lower the likelihood of rodent and varmint rendezvous in and around your home. Contact the NJ gray squirrel control at Stern Environmental today. 

Squirrels Have Two Breeding Seasons – What to Know

Squirrels Have Two Breeding Seasons - What to Know
Squirrels Have Two Breeding Seasons – What to Know

Squirrels driving you nutty? It could be breeding season antics. During certain times of the year, urban wildlife may move into your home in search of a safer place to raise their young, putting you in dire need of NJ squirrel removal services.

When Do Squirrels Breed?

Grey squirrels breed twice per year, once in the early spring, then again in the middle of the summer. Born in March-April, or July-August, each litter of about 3-5 babies takes about 8 weeks for their mothers to rear.

Why Did Squirrels Move into My Home?

Because trees leave young squirrels exposed to predators, squirrel mothers move into homes and outbuildings during breeding season, noisily taking up residence in attics, chimneys, and behind walls.

What to Do if You’ve Found a Nest

If you’ve come across a nest of baby squirrels, chances are they haven’t been abandoned. With no fear of humans, they may approach you while their mother is out searching for food. Leave them be, as mothers are aggressive and may attack if they feel their babies are threatened.

Moving Squirrels Out

Squirrels are tough to eradicate once established, returning to nests annually. Contacting a NJ squirrel removal specialist is best for lasting results. Avoid blocking entries and trapping babies inside. Mothers will cause damage attempting to regain access and their babies will die and decay.

Stern Environmental specializes in fast, humane, permanent removal. Learn more about our trusted services today.

Facts About the Eastern Gray Squirrel – They Breed More Often Than You’d Think

Facts About the Eastern Grey Squirrel
Facts About the Eastern Grey Squirrel

The eastern gray squirrel is an animal everyone who lives in New York and New Jersey is aware of. In fact, most of us see them every single day. While they’re cute, they can be a real menace too. Still, there’s a lot that you probably don’t know about them. As your NJ pest control specialists, we’d like to fill you in.

Breeding Habits of Gray Squirrels

Because squirrels hibernate during the winter, most people assume that they probably breed only once per year. However, as long as their food supply is good, most females will have two litters every year. When the females give birth, they can have as many as eight babies. This means that they multiply much faster than a lot of people realize.

In as little as eight months, those babies are adult size, and ready to have babies of their own. That spells trouble for anyone who already has a serious gray squirrel problem in their home, or on their property.

When to Contact NJ Pest Control Specialists

If you think you hear squirrels in your attic, or elsewhere in your home, it’s important to have a professional inspect the space right away. These pests can do a lot of damage in a very short period of time and, as we mentioned previously, they multiply quickly.

Please contact us at Stern Environmental for help right away!