Tag Archives: NJ Wasp Abatement

It’s Fall – Time to Remove Yellow Jacket Hives and Wasp Nests

Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests -- Get Them Removed Today!
Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests — Get Them Removed Today!

Cooler weather is on its way, so this is the time that most people expect a decline in nuisance insects. However, yellow jackets are one exception to this rule. During the fall, these pests become more aggressive and much more likely to sting, making this the ideal time for the preemptive removal of yellow jacket nests.

Why Does Your NJ exterminator Recommend Fall Yellow Jacket Nest Removal?

At Stern Environmental, we recommend yellow jacket nest removal in the fall for a number of reasons.

• More Wasps

Yellow jacket nests are larger at the end of the summer/early fall.

• More Aggression

Wasps become more aggressive as food sources decline with cooler weather, often stinging without provocation.

• More Danger

Large numbers and increased aggression make fall a dangerous time for stings, particularly for allergic individuals, as yellow jackets can sting multiple times.

Nest in the Wall? Immediate Removal Prevents Wasps from Infiltrating Your Home

Nests in wall voids are difficult to remove. However, it’s highly recommended to remove these before it’s too late. Otherwise, large numbers of yellow jacket wasps could find their way into your home, delivering a nasty surprise.

Yellow jacket removal is not a DIY endeavor. Control yellow jackets safely with the help of your local NJ exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our professional wasp removal services today. 

Hornet or Yellow Jacket – How to Tell the Difference

Hornet or Yellow Jacket - How to Tell the Difference
Hornet or Yellow Jacket – How to Tell the Difference

Stinging pests are a serious problem for a lot of New Jersey homeowners. But most of the time, they’re not really sure what type of pest they’re dealing with. Hornets and yellow jackets are two of the pests that get confused the most.

Before contacting NJ yellow jacket control or hornet control, here’s how you can identify which pest is in your yard.

The Similarities Between Yellow Jackets and Hornets

Both yellow jackets and hornets are types of wasps. But people often refer to them as bees, which is incorrect. The stings of both are quite painful, but that’s where their similarities end.

The Differences Between Hornets and Yellow Jackets

In most cases, you can tell the difference by just looking at them closely. Yellow jackets have distinct black and yellow markings, like their names suggest. Hornets also have yellow marks but with a reddish-brown color instead of black.

Both pests can sting repeatedly, but the yellow jacket’s stinger has barbs and sometimes gets lodged in its victim. Like a bee’s stinger, if it gets left behind then the insect dies. Hornets, however, don’t lose their stinger and their stings tend to be more painful.

Contact a NJ Yellow Jacket Control Specialist for Help

Whether you’re dealing with hornets or yellow jackets, both are a menace this time of year. Stern Environmental has the expertise to rid you of them. Contact us today to learn more.

What Restaurants and Businesses Need to Know About Wasps and Premise Liability

What Restaurants and Businesses Need to Know About Wasps and Premise Liability
What Restaurants and Businesses Need to Know About Wasps and Premise Liability

The word “liability” can strike fear in the most seasoned of restaurant or business owners. Sometimes invasive species can bring liability to your door. Normally minor painful stings from bees or wasps can turn deadly when a person is allergic to them. Are stinging insects becoming a nuisance in your establishment? Hiring the Stern Environmental NJ pest control team makes the best sense!

Protect Your Business and Your Customers

Hundreds of thousands of people are sent to the hospital each year due to bee stings. Imagine the potential for liability from customers who may encounter life-threatening scenarios at your storefront because of pest infestations.

When the seasons change from summer to fall, bees become increasingly aggressive. They’re on a mission to forage for food to stock up for their queens and the encroaching chill. Swarms of stinging insects are frightening to experience, especially for vulnerable customers who may just be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

When you enlist the help of your friendly NJ pest control professionals, you’re reducing the threat of liability payments, lawsuits, and hospital visits.

Stern Environmental Keeps Your Interests in Mind

Contact Stern Environmental’s NJ pest control team today to keep bees away and business booming. Don’t be liable for some aggressive insects stinging your bottom line. Your business should run smoothly, without the threat of unpredictable liabilities.

The Yellow Jacket – a Social and Predatory Wasp

What to Know About Hornet Attacks
What to Know About Yellow Jackets

Commonly confused for bees, hornets, and paper wasps, yellow jackets are easily distinguishable from other pests with careful observation. The NJ pest control experts at Stern want to help you identify these aggressive pests, which are capable of repeatedly stinging. 

Is it a Wasp or a Bee?

Most yellow jackets are ½-inch long, though queens can be larger. Some species are black and yellow, some yellow and blackish-red, and a few black and white. Unlike bees, they do NOT have fuzzy bodies or hairy hind legs and do NOT carry pollen, however they’re important predators of other pest insects. They live in colonies and can be best identified by fast, side-to-side movement prior to landing. Female wasps can sting repeatedly with barbed, lance-like stingers, injecting venom that can cause an allergic reaction to susceptible individuals and those repeatedly stung. 

Where are They Hiding?

Yellow jackets can build nests nearly anywhere: The ground, inside trees and bushes, stumps, and manmade structures (homes, cars). Nests are constructed from wood fibers chewed to a pulp. Colonies die annually, except overwintering queens bearing young, which hideout under leaves and bark, in stumps, and the ground. Each queen can expand a colony to 4,000-5,000 female workers and a nest of 10,000-15,000 cells of new males and queens. 

Don’t let history repeat itself. Rid your yard of wasps with the help of the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmental today.