Tag Archives: NYC Squirrel Removal

Summer is Nesting Time for Squirrels – What to Know

Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!
Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!

Squirrels are one of the more entertaining creatures to watch as they make their way through the treetops leaping, jumping, and climbing their way along the branches. Their acrobatic techniques, fast-flying feet, agile paws, and inquisitive eyes just add to their personality and appeal.

Squirrel Nests

If you have tall trees in your yard, chances are, they have been the home of a squirrel’s nest. Squirrels have an affinity for choosing sturdy trees that provide plenty of coverage and security for their young.

One place you’ll find a squirrel nest is in a tree cavity den. These are usually created by woodpeckers for their young, or it may be a naturally hollowed out cavity. These enclosures provide optimum protection from the elements.

The second nesting place is found nestled in the fork of sturdy tree branches, which provide stability against the wind. These nests are constructed of leaves, moss, twigs, tree bark, grass and other materials the squirrels deem appropriate and are located high in the branches away from roving predators.

The squirrel weaves together the material creating a base then a framework or outer shell, which is then filled and lined with additional material.

Additional nests may be in nearby trees and are used as resting places, food storage hideaways, or hiding spots.

Stern Environmental provides efficient squirrel removal services when needed. Call today and a squirrel removal specialist will be on their way.

Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!

Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!
Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!

A New Jersey household recently discovered the ostentatious appetites of an area, tree-faring rodent. The Maplewood family never suspected the area squirrel of burglary, but the furry felon was caught on tape red-handed, wreaking havoc on neighborhood cheer.

Smooth Criminal
When expensive gourmet chocolates and lip balm, intended as holiday treats for area delivery drivers, started disappearing, the family went to work, worried an area Grinch had plans to steal their Christmas gifts. Setting out a surveillance camera, they were shocked at the culprit. It seemed they didn’t need law enforcement after all, but local NJ squirrel removal services!

Picky Pest
The portly rodent was so overweight, he appeared to be packing the pounds away for a decade of winters, and was caught-in-the-act pocketing choice chocolates and lip balms. The Maplewoods said discovering the bold-faced bandit brought them a mountain of joy. They tried to redirect the stout squirrel to nuts, seeds, and popcorn, repackaging the chocolate into a jar that required opposable thumbs, but the cheeky culprit could not be swayed, tossing the seeds in lieu of other flavors.

Serious Shenanigans
The Maplewoods were not alone. Officials in nearby Sea Girt discovered the area’s annual Christmas lighting thwarted by tattered wiring. Rushing to rectify the situation, police quickly uncovered another rascally rodent.

NJ squirrel removal needs? No matter the reason or the season, the humane services of Stern Environmental have you covered.

Don’t Poison Squirrels – Use Catch and Remove Instead

While squirrels may be fun to watch as they scurry from tree to tree or maybe you enjoy feeding them peanuts or sunflower seeds, they can become a nuisance and do damage to your home.

This is especially true during the winter when they prefer the attic in someone’s home where it is relatively warm versus facing the cold elements of the outdoors. They also look for cozy places to build nests and raise their young until they’re old enough to move outside.

Removing Squirrels

NJ squirrel removal is best left to the professionals who know how to find entry points and then trap the squirrels to be moved to another location. It’s best to remember that squirrels are wild and very agile. If cornered, they have the ability to jump, which may be on you, as well as bite and scratch.

Do not attempt to remove squirrels yourself as it could be dangerous and you should never use a poisonous substance as it isn’t effectual or humane. With a catch and remove approach, squirrels can be safely trapped in specially designed cages and removed by experts.

When NJ squirrel removal is necessary for the protection of your home, contact the professionals at Stern Environmental Group. Our services provide fast and efficient humane squirrel trapping and removal. Call us today about squirrels in the attic and let us take care of making your home squirrel-free.


What Squirrels Are Found in New Jersey and New York?

Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.
Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.

Squirrels are well-known creatures throughout the United States; just look out your window and chances are you’ll see one, two, or more, frolicking in the trees or burying acorns.

There are quite a few squirrel species and some parts of the U.S. see the same types while others may see a different species.

New Jersey Squirrels

New Jersey squirrels sound like the name of a sports team, which would fit these energetic and agile creatures of the wild. In New Jersey, there are several of these species, which include the gray squirrel, red squirrel, southern flying squirrel, and northern flying squirrel.

New York Squirrels

New York residents have their own squirrel population that is similar to New Jersey. The red, gray, and flying squirrels are common as well as the fox squirrel.

Squirrel Habits

While watching squirrels can be entertaining, it’s sometimes necessary to have NJ and NY squirrel removal services visit your property. The reason is squirrels are notorious for chewing and their appetite includes pretty much anything.

They especially like attics where they can get warm, make a nest, and have their babies, which can lead to messes, noise, and the pittering pattering of little feet across the ceiling during the night.

At Stern, we’re experts at NJ and NY squirrel removal. We’re fast and provide humane squirrel trapping. When you need NJ and NY squirrel removal assistance, just give us a call.