Tag Archives: Pest Removal of Ants

Keep Ants Out of Your Office this Summer

Is That an Ant Between Your Computer Keys? Here's How to Keep Ants Out of Your Office.
Is That an Ant Between Your Computer Keys? Here’s How to Keep Ants Out of Your Office.

Ants are common nuisance insects and NJ pest control experts know warmer spring weather means ants are likely to venture out into homes and offices. Luckily, however, with a few proactive steps you can prevent these pests from crawling across your floors and counters.

How to Prevent Unwelcome Insect Guests

Ants searching for food and water often infiltrate occupied spaces, and office kitchens are one of their favorites. They may also be found in bathroom spaces, basements, and near HVAC systems. You can keep ants away by limiting the attractiveness of these sites:

– Keep spills and crumbs contained.

– Store food in tightly-sealed containers.

– Regularly dispose of garbage.

– Seal cracks/holes on the building and around windows/doors.

– Ensure weather stripping is tightly fitted.

– Trim branches/shrubbery well away from the building structure.

– Call for professional help promptly if ants infiltrate the premises.

Know Trouble When You See It

Though most ants are simply bothersome, particularly Argentine ants, a few species of ants can pose a threat to the health of office workers, office property, and building structures, requiring prompt attention. These include:

– Odorous house ants, which can contaminate food sources with the germs and chemicals they emit.

– Fire ants, which inflict a painful sting. 

– Carpenter ants, which tunnel through wood, forming nests that damage building structures.

Ants taking over your office? Give them their marching orders with the help of the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmentaltoday.