Tag Archives: Protect-A-Bed

Protect Your College Bound Student With Protect-A-Bed Mattress Encasements

Bed bugs are a growing problem throughout the United States and college dorms and off-campus apartments have been hot spots for bed bug activity. The constant turn-over of students and the movement of used furniture have likely heightened the infestation rates in these environments. Despite the summer hiatus, bed bugs continue to exist in college dorms because the bloodsuckers are able to abstain from feasting on their required blood meal for over a year. These tenacious bugs can easily wait until the next school term for a new batch of student to arrive. New York City pest control experts say that it’s important to protect yourself from bed bugs upon your arrival at any college campus.

Protect-A-Bed is a leading manufacturer of mattress encasements. They offer a wide variety of bed bug encasement products to protect you from becoming the victim of these bloodsucking critters. As a means of keeping college students safe this school year, Protect-A-Bed has launched the “Healthy Sleep Zone Back to School Sweepstake.” Participants can enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win a variety of Protect-A-Bed products that focus on the “Student Bedding Protection Kit” which is specifically geared to help college bound students fight potential bed bug infestations. You can enter the sweepstakes online on the Protect-A-Bed website. There will be drawings held on August 12th, 19th, 26th, and September 2nd, so hurry and fill out the simple online entry form!

If you don’t happen to be one of the lucky winners, no need to fret, Stern Environmental Group has all of the Protect-A-Bed bed bug products that you will need for your college bound student and for your home as well. Stop by our website to see our huge selection of mattress and box spring encasements, crib encasements, pillow encasements, and mattress and disposal bags.

Great Products For NYC Bed Bugs Part II Of II

Continuing from Monday…

• PackTite Portable Bed bug Killing Heat Chamber – The PackTite is a must have for any business traveler.  This innovative device will kill adult, nymph, and bed bug eggs by baking them to death.  The PackTite is portable and will heat items up to approximately 130 degrees.  It is perfect for dry-clean only items, books, luggage, clothing, sensitive fabrics, backpacks, toys, etc.

• Protect-A Bed Products – Protect-A-Bed offers many products that are beneficial for anyone who is concerned about having bed bugs or anyone who has gone through a bed bug infestation.  These amazing encasements are specifically designed for mattresses and box springs.  They come in all bed sizes, twin through king.  You can even keep your little baby safe with the crib mattress encasement.  These revolutionary encasements have a patented BugLock zipper enclosure for extra security that will lock bed bugs in…forever, and keep any new bed bugs from ever being able to infest the mattress or box spring.  You can be assured that you will have a good night’s sleep when you use this encasement because it is made out of “miracle membrane” which has been lab tested and certified to be bed bug bite proof!

• The Bedbug Beacon – This interesting bed bug trap will lure the typically elusive bed bugs from their hiding spots.  It slowly releases C02 gas for up to 11 days, which bed bugs are attracted to, and is perfect for use after bed bug treatment to ensure that the pests are gone.  This device is also great for landlords who would like to make certain that their units are bed bug free prior to the arrival of new tenants.

You can find these as well as other useful bed bug products at Stern Environmental Group.

New Federal Bed Bug Legislation On The Horizon? Part II Of II

Continuing From Wednesday…

Bed Bug Prevention and Mitigation Pilot Program – State agencies will be able to apply for special Grants for conducting pilot programs for State and housing authorities. The funds must be used to…

• address “persistent bed bug infestations”

• used for “residents who lack financial resources” to fight bed bug infestations

• used to “retain commercial applicators to perform bed bug prevention and mitigation activities that are proven to effectively control bed bugs”

• “purchase and distribute mattress covers”

• “conduct bed bug monitoring activities”

• “treat used mattresses and furniture using methods proven to control all life stages of bed bugs.”

At the end of 2016, the State agencies who received the special grants would then be required to provide information back to the federal government about how much money was received, how the money was allocated, and information about the success achieved in reducing the bed bug infestation rates by the methods that were used.

If the new legislation were to pass as it is currently written, it would include the following inclusion:

 “the project involves a pest that has been designated as a pest of public health significance by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, as described in section 2 (nn) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 126 (nn)).”  Additionally, the amendment calls for the inclusion of “bed bugs” in the definition of “vector organisms”.

The addition of this wording to federal legislation is significant because it exemplifies the fact that our elected officials are recognizing that bed bugs have become a serious problem and are more than just a nuisance pest throughout the United States.

Stern Environmental Group will be keeping a watchful eye to see if the Congressional Committee approves this important Bill and passes it along to the Senate.

Used Mattresses Cause Trouble With Bed Bugs!

A Norwalk, Connecticut man recently settled his claim against a major mattress retailer for $2,500.  The complaint alleged that the retailer sold a used box spring to the gentleman and his wife that was infested with bed bugs.  The mattress retailer, which has hundreds of stores across the United States, had denied the claims that the mattress was used and that it was infested with any type of bug.

The trouble began for the Connecticut couple two years ago when they purchased what they believed to be a new box spring.  According to reports, about a week after receiving a mattress and box spring set, the wife began to develop red spots which are typically found when bed bugs have been munching away.  Fearful that they were facing a bed bug infestation, they called Stern Environmental Group to inspect their home.  An investigation proved positive that bed bugs were present.  Stern Environmental Group was instructed to dismantle the “new” box spring to determine if it was the source of the bed bug infestation.  It was then discovered that the box spring was the source of the bed bug infestation because there were bed bugs inside of the box spring.

Whether the box spring was new or used is still one that is being investigated by the Connecticut Attorney General’s Office.

How the bed bugs were able to infest the box spring is still a matter that is being disputed as well.  If the mattress retailer is indeed selling reconditioned mattresses and box springs, despite rigorous cleaning, bed bug infestations can still exist and be transmitted.

If the mattress retailer is providing removal services to their customers when they are delivering new mattresses and box springs at the same time that they are making deliveries, this too is an easy way to spread bed bug infestations.

On December 3, 2010, new legislation requires that all mattresses that are placed curbside in New York City be wrapped completely in plastic.   Doing so will protect neighbors and sanitation workers from spreading bed bugs or their eggs from place to place. Failure to comply with the new regulation will result in a $100 fine that will be implemented beginning on January 3, 2011.  Mattress retailers should make the same consideration for their customers when they are picking up used mattresses and box springs to reduce the chances of spreading bed bugs to the new products that are in their delivery trucks.

Bed Bug Travel Tips Part II Of II

Continuing from Monday…

Experts now agree that you should not use the drawers that are inside of any hotel or motel room as it is too easy to pick up bed bugs.  It only takes one adult female to deposit her eggs in your belongings (which you will not see), for you to bring home a bed bug infestation.  We recommend that you use the BugZip Luggage & Drawer Linger Bags or the Hefty Bedbug Travel Bags instead so that your belongings are safe from bed bug exposure.

Upon your return home, there are a few bed bug prevention items that are handy-dandy tools for early detection of bed bugs and ones to help you prevent an infestation from establishing at your home.  A mattress and box spring are a costly investment so it is wise to consider buying a mattress encasement for both before you leave on any trip.  The Protect-A-Bed Mattress and Box Spring Encasements are easy to install and they are certified to be bed bug bite proof.  Using the proper type of mattress encasement will prevent bed bugs from being able to infest your bed in the crevices along the edge of the seams.

The Climbup Insect Interceptor is also a good tool to use for early detection and prevention of bed bugs.  This device creates a barrier between the floor and the bed when it is installed under bed post legs.  The innovative design of the Climbup Insect Interceptor will trap bed bugs exiting the bed and those trying to gain access to the bed.  Once bed bugs make contact with the trap, they are prevented from escaping as they are stopped dead in their tracks by the fine talc powder that is be placed within the trap.  If you do find any bed bugs in the Climbup trap, be sure to call a NJ pest control expert immediately.

It may seem like too much work to check your hotel room for bed bugs while you are traveling this holiday season, but imagine the work you will encounter if you accidentally create a NJ bed bug infestation in your home by bringing the little vampires home with you!