Tag Archives: Rat Exterminators

Brooklyn Is The Worst Borough For Rat Sightings: What the Maps Tell Us About Rat Infestations

Which Cities are Bed Bug Hotspots?
Which Cities are Bed Bug Hotspots?

Most people are familiar with the fact that those who live in New York City are frequently dealing with rat problems. But unless you live there, or have spent a significant amount of time there, you don’t really understand the scope of the issue. NYC rat control is a serious problem, but just how bad is it, really?

Rat Sightings in New York City

Between January 2010 and September 2017, there were 101,914 rat sightings that were reported. That phrase, that were reported, is key because so many of them go unreported to the city. Therefore, we can conclude that there were actually many more sightings that occurred. What’s even worse is that between these two time periods, there was an increase of 63%. That’s a lot!

On top of that, most of the rat sightings occurred in buildings that housed three or more families. Commercial buildings are not as common for rat infestations, which comes as quite a surprise.

Brooklyn – A Rat’s Safe Haven

According to the latest heat map visualization, Brooklyn is where rats are most often found. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the city is immune to them. They are plentiful, and found just about everywhere.

NYC Rat Control 

The good news is your NYC rat control professionals are on the job. If you have a rat problem, contact us. We have highly effective pest control solutions.

What We Can Learn from History and Rat Eradication Tactics

What We Can Learn from History and Rat Eradication Tactics
What We Can Learn from History and Rat Eradication Tactics

NYC rat control is in the news along with four other major metropolitan cities across the globe experiencing an excessive rat population. In an effort to get the rats under control, these cities have gone to extreme lengths to find a solution.


According to officials, in 2007 Brooklyn had the worst rat infestation. The cities solution was to populate the borough with opossums. Sounds good except the rats outran the opossums creating their own excessive population.


In 2000, the Windy City addressed the problem with another four-legged predator; coyotes. In a test program, the city felt a group of Wiley coyotes could clean up the city; and they have.

Paris, France

The City of Lights has an estimated eight million furry creatures roaming the streets. That’s more than the cities human population times four. Each spring, the city has a campaign called “Le Smash” where teams scour the public parks and citizens check their homes to take care of business.

Shanghai, China

Shanghai, like Paris, is overrun and their solution is a Spring Rats Elimination Campaign where hundreds of people lay traps.

Edinburgh, Scotland

The Scots have taken rat control to another level using rat birth control methods with success.

NYC rat control is one of the specialties of Stern Environmental. With expert technicians, equipment, and treatments rats can become a thing of the past in your home. Call today; be rat-free tomorrow.

NYC Reminds Residents “Do Not Feed Rats” They Are a Health Hazard

Slow and Steady, and the Rat Population Grows out of Control.
Slow and Steady, and the Rat Population Grows out of Control.

Some things are just too obvious and that’s the case with the “do not feed rodents” campaign in New York. Mayor de Blasio is at the helm of the campaign to educate New Yorkers about rats in an attempt to get the population under control.

How’s it Working for You?

That’s the question being bantered around as residents of the most affected areas – Brooklyn, Manhattan, and The Bronx – want to know why the city is spending so much time and effort on talking when what residents want is more action.

Currently, PEP officers are spending their time in the city parks speaking to people about the rat population, the importance of not feeding them, and the effect litter is playing as a food source. The job of a PEP officer is to patrol the 30,000 acres that comprise the park area, not educate patrons of obvious information.

While the city did purchase over 300 rat-proof garbage cans, no information has been released noting if the cans made any difference.

A simple suggestion by a resident was instead of wasting a PEP officer’s time, why not increase garbage pick-up times? Seems like a simple enough solution.

For help with a rats, contact Stern and we’ll send a NJ pest control specialist to conduct an inspection. Our NJ pest control staff is experienced and trained in the matter of rat control and elimination. Don’t hesitate; call today.